Category: Health

Taiwan Train Accident

ताइवान की सबसे घातक रेल दुर्घटना में कम से कम 48 मृत

पूर्वी ताइवान में एक ट्रेन के आंशिक रूप से पटरी से उतरने के बाद कम से कम 48 लोग मारे गए, जिससे देश की सबसे घातक रेल दुर्घटना हुई। ट्रेन अभी भी आंशिक रूप से एक सुरंग में है, बचे हुए लोग खिड़कियों से चढ़ गए और मानव रहित वाहन से टकराव के बाद ट्रेन की छत पर चढ़ गए, जो एक पहाड़ी पर लुढ़क गई थी। एक लंबे सप्ताहांत के पहले दिन टोरोको गॉर्ज प्राकृतिक क्षेत्र के पास दुर्घटना हुई, जब कई लोग ताइवान की व्यापक प्रणाली पर ट्रेनों को रोक रहे थे। ट्रेन 400 से अधिक लोगों को ले जा रही थी।

राष्ट्रीय अग्निशमन सेवा ने मरने वालों की संख्या की पुष्टि की, जिसमें ट्रेन के युवा, नवविवाहित चालक शामिल थे, और कहा कि सभी सवारों के लिए जिम्मेदार था।
इसमें 100 से अधिक लोग घायल हो गए। रेलवे समाचार अधिकारी वेंग हुई-पिंग ने दुर्घटना को ताइवान की सबसे घातक रेल दुर्घटना बताया। श्री वेनग ने कहा कि रेलवे प्रशासन द्वारा संचालित एक निर्माणाधीन ट्रक ऊपर पहाड़ी पर एक वर्कशीट से ट्रैक पर फिसल गया।

ट्रक में उस समय कोई नहीं था। उन्होंने कहा कि ट्रेन की गति ज्ञात नहीं थी। ट्रेन केवल एक सुरंग से आंशिक रूप से उभरी थी, और इसके अंदर अभी भी बहुत से, भागने वाले कई यात्री दरवाजे और खिड़कियों से बाहर निकलने के लिए मजबूर थे और छत के साथ-साथ सुरक्षा के लिए चलने के लिए ट्रेन के किनारों को स्केल करते थे।

आधिकारिक केंद्रीय समाचार एजेंसी की वेबसाइट पर दृश्य से पोस्ट किए गए टेलीविज़न फुटेज और तस्वीरें लोगों को सुरंग के प्रवेश द्वार के ठीक बाहर एक रेलकार के खुले दरवाजे से बाहर निकलते हुए दिखाई दीं। एक कार की दीवार का एक हिस्सा सीट में धंस गया था। ट्रेन सुरंग में फंसी हुई है। ट्रेन सुरंग में फंसी हुई है। (एपी)
ताइवान एक पहाड़ी द्वीप है और इसके अधिकांश 24 मिलियन लोग उत्तरी और पश्चिमी तटों के साथ समतल क्षेत्रों में रहते हैं जो कि द्वीप के अधिकांश खेत, सबसे बड़े शहरों और उच्च-तकनीकी उद्योगों का घर है।

हल्की आबादी वाला पूर्व पर्यटकों के साथ लोकप्रिय है, जिनमें से कई पहाड़ी सड़कों से बचने के लिए ट्रेन से यात्रा करते हैं। दुर्घटना में एक जांच शुरू की गई थी और किसी भी गिरफ्तारी के बारे में तत्काल शब्द नहीं था।

एक ट्वीट में, ताइवानी राष्ट्रपति त्साई इंग-वेन ने कहा कि आपातकालीन सेवाओं को “प्रभावित और यात्रियों और कर्मचारियों की सहायता के लिए पूरी तरह से जुटाया गया है।”
“हम इस दिल दहला देने वाली घटना के मद्देनजर उनकी सुरक्षा सुनिश्चित करने के लिए हम सब कुछ करना जारी रखेंगे,” उन्होंने कहा।
चार दिवसीय मकबरे स्वीपिंग फेस्टिवल के पहले दिन, वार्षिक धार्मिक अवकाश के दिन यह दुर्घटना घटी जब लोग अपने गृहनगर में पारिवारिक समारोहों के लिए यात्रा करते हैं और अपने पूर्वजों की कब्रों पर उनका सम्मान करते हैं।

ताइवानी प्रीमियर सु त्सेंग-चांग ने कहा कि रेलवे प्रशासन को “इसे फिर से रोकने के लिए” अन्य ट्रैक लाइनों के साथ तुरंत जांच करने की आवश्यकता होगी। दुर्घटना स्थल के पास एक सहायता तम्बू में तैनात त्ज़ु ची बौद्ध फाउंडेशन के लगभग 50 स्वयंसेवकों ने कहा कि बच्चे दर्जनों में से थे जो ट्रेन की कारों से बच गए थे। वे मामूली घावों का इलाज कर रहे थे और दोपहर के भोजन की पेशकश कर रहे थे। “हम ट्रेन से उतरते लोगों को देखते हैं और वे हिल जाते हैं और घबरा जाते हैं,” साइट पर एक त्ज़ु ची टीम के नेता चेन त्ज़ु-चोंग ने कहा।

ताइवान की आखिरी बड़ी रेल दुर्घटना अक्टूबर 2018 में हुई थी, जब एक एक्सप्रेस ट्रेन पूर्वोत्तर तट पर एक तंग कोने को पार करते समय पटरी से उतर गई थी, जिसमें कम से कम 18 लोग मारे गए थे और लगभग 200 घायल हो गए थे।
1991 में, पश्चिमी ताइवान में एक टकराव में 30 लोगों की मौत हो गई और एक दशक पहले एक और दुर्घटना में 30 लोगों की मौत हो गई। उन लोगों को रेल प्रणाली पर सबसे खराब पिछले क्रैश कहा गया था जो 19 वीं शताब्दी के अंत से आते हैं। ताइवान की व्यापक रेल प्रणाली ने हाल के वर्षों में पर्याप्त उन्नयन किया है, विशेष रूप से पश्चिम-तट के शहरों के साथ राजधानी ताइपे को दक्षिण में जोड़ने वाली एक उच्च गति लाइन के अलावा। शुक्रवार की पटरी से उतरने वाली ट्रेन, टोराको 408, ताइवान के नए मॉडलों में से एक है।

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Delhi government’s decision on rising corona cases, night curfew will be applicable from 10 pm to 5 am in the night

The Delhi government has taken a major decision amid rising cases of coronavirus. It has been decided to impose a night curfew in Delhi. There will be a night curfew from 10 pm to 5 am. No decision has been taken regarding the lockdown. However, the Delhi government has been consistently denying the lockdown. The night curfew in Delhi will continue till 30 April.

Let us tell you that for the last four-five days, around four thousand consecutive cases of coronavirus are coming to Delhi. On Monday, 3,548 new cases of coronavirus were reported in Delhi on Monday, while 15 people died due to this infection. The Health Department of Delhi gave this information. In the last few weeks, the infection rate has increased to 5.54 percent due to the rapid increase in cases of Covid-19.

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Delhi Corona Cases

Corona Condition in Delhi, 3594 New Cases, 14 Dead

On Friday, 3594 new cases of Covid-19 were reported in Delhi, which is the highest this year. Also, 14 more people died due to infection in the metropolis, taking the total number of dead to 11,050. This information was given by the Health Department of the metropolis. A bulletin of the Health Department stated that the rate of infection has gone up to 4.11 percent as against 3.57 a day earlier. On Thursday, 2790 cases were reported in Delhi, while 1819 cases were registered on Wednesday.

The rate of infection was 2.71 percent on Wednesday. According to the bulletin, the total number of infected people in the metropolis on Friday increased to 6,68,814. So far, over 6.45 lakh people have recovered from the infection. According to the latest bulletin, 14 more people died from the infection, taking the death toll to 11,050. According to the bulletin, the number of under-treated patients has gone up to 11,994 as against 10,498 a day earlier. The bulletin states that a total of 87,505 probes were conducted a day earlier, including 54,898 RT-PCR probes and 32,607 rapid antigen probes.

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Secretary Health Ministry

Corona Situation Worsens In Recent Times, Punjab Not Doing Enough Tests: Health Ministry

The Ministry of Health has become active after the continuous rise in coronavirus infection in the country. The Ministry of Health said today that in states and union territories were cases of coronavirus infection are increasing, the investigation needs to be expedited. Punjab is neither able to do a sufficient number of investigations nor is it able to send people infected with the coronavirus to isolated habitat immediately.

It has been said by the government that Delhi was taken as one district out of the 10 districts most affected by Covid-19. Eight such districts are from Maharashtra.

The government asked the states facing an increase in cases of coronavirus infection to increase the number of inquiries by focusing on RT-PCR, isolating the infected people immediately, detecting the people who came in contact with the infected people. , Healthcare-related resources should be strengthened. The Health Ministry admitted that the Covid-19 situation has worsened in recent times, which is a cause for great concern.

The government said that 11,064 samples were ‘genome sequencing‘, 807 samples found a redesign of the coronavirus found in Britain, 47 samples found the South African form of the virus and one sample found the Brazilian version of the virus.

The government said that ‘covaxine‘ and ‘covishield‘ are effective against the new form of SARS-Cove-2 found in Britain and Brazil. Action is continuing against the South African form of the virus. Telangana topped the chart with 48.39 percent in terms of the dose of anti-Covid-19 given in private hospitals, followed by Delhi with 43.11 percent. Let us tell you that 56,211 more people have been confirmed to be infected with Coronavirus in the last 24 hours in India.

With this, the total number of Covid-19 JDs in the country has increased to 1,20,95,855. During this period, 271 more patients have died due to infection due to which the total number of people who lost their lives in the country has increased to 1,62,114.

Holi 2021 girl playing holi

Holi 2021 Skin Care: Tips & Tricks For Taking Care Of Your Skin

Holi 2021 Skin Care: No doubt playing Holi is a lot of fun, but the fun ends when the time comes to getting rid of colors. We all wished there was some kind of cream or soap that will take off the colors in one go. Unfortunately, we cannot provide you with such magical soap or cream, but we can surely give the next best thing- tips and tricks which will help you enjoy Holi without worrying about the harmful effects of stubborn colors on your skin.

Here are some tips and tricks to help your skin prepare for Holi 2021

Holi 2021 Skincare
Holi 2021 Skincare
  • When removing colors- Dry or wet, do not use hot water to remove them at all. This will only make the colors more firm. It is advisable to use cold water instead of warm or hot water to remove color.
  • Use a mixer of honey, papaya, and Fuller’s earth(Multani Mitti) and apply it on the face, hands, and feet to remove the colors while at the same time nourishing your skin.
  • To get rid of Holi colors, mix equal quantities of honey and lemon juice and apply it well on the face. Wash with room temperature water after 15-20 minutes.
  • Before your bath, prepare a mixture of flour, olive oil, and lemon juice and apply it to your entire body in a circular motion with light hands. After the mixture dries a bit, take your shower.
  • You can also use a natural homemade scrub prepared from gram flour, curd, turmeric, lemon, and olive oil. It will help you remove the stubborn colors at the same time being beneficial for your skin.
  • Do not use shampoo immediately for removing colors from your hair. Instead, apply one egg on your hair at least 30 minutes before shampooing. If you want to use egg, a mixture of fenugreek powder and curd can also be used. Apart from this, mustard oil is also very beneficial for hair before washing your hair with shampoo.
  • Those with sensitive and acne-prone skin require special care after removing the color. It is generally suggested for them to massage the face with a good antiseptic cream. This will provide relief from irritation and rashes.
  • Coconut oil, olive oil, or mustard oil are great moisturizers for applying to the body and face before going out to play Holi. The oil massage will prevent the colors from penetrating deep into the skin and will also provide relief from itching, burning sensation, and rashes.


Mumbai Municipal Corporation

Mumbai Municipal Corporation’s ‘Action Plan’ prepared; This decision taken to stop Corona

The municipality has developed an action plan that will be effective in tackling the challenge of preventing coronaNMC has issued new guidelines for this and according to the new action plan of Mumbai Municipal Corporation. The target is to conduct 50,000 tests daily.

The number of corona patients has been increasing rapidly in the last few days. It is a challenge for the Mumbai Municipal Corporation to prevent it. To meet this challenge, the municipality has developed an action plan that will be effective in preventing corona. Municipal Corporation has issued new guidelines for this. For this, NMC has targeted some crowded places in Mumbai. The municipality has decided to conduct corona antigen tests on public places such as beaches, malls, other crowded places, eating places, eateries. According to the new action plan of Mumbai Municipal Corporation, the target is to conduct 50,000 tests every day. (according to the new action plan of Mumbai Municipal Corporation, the target is to conduct 50,000 antigen tests daily).

Tests are being conducted in Mumbai

Currently, 20,000 to 23,000 tests are being conducted in Mumbai. As part of NMC’s mission testing to prevent corona outbreaks. 50,000 tests will be conducted daily at crowded malls, railway stations, bus stations, other crowded places, and markets in Mumbai.

Action Will Be Taken

In any case, the Municipal Corporation wants to stop the outbreak of Corona in Mumbai. For this, corona tests will now be conducted in crowded places. However, the corporation has an idea that there are many people who can refuse these tests.

 The Municipal Corporation has also prepared a plan of action so that its mission does not fail. The municipal corporation has decided to take action against anyone who refuses to conduct the test in public places. Accordingly, every customer coming to the 27 major malls in Mumbai will be tested outside the mall. If the test is negative, the customer will be admitted to the mall.

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AIIMS Rishikesh

Gayatri Mantra and Yoga Treats Covid-19? AIIMS Conducts Trial

The Department of Science and Technology (DST) has recently funded a clinical trial which will be conducted by the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Rishikesh,  to evaluate whether the chanting of the religious hymn, Gayatri Mantra, will speed up the recovery of the patients suffering from the COVID-19.

The clinical trial will also look at the effect of performing the Yogic practice of Pranayama on the quality and speed of recovery from COVID-19.

One Group will be chanting Gayatri Mantra and performing Pranayama along with standard treatment

The clinical trial will aim to recruit around 20 COVID-19 positive patients displaying “moderate symptoms” and will divide them into two groups of 10 each. One of the groups will be treated with the regular standard COVID-19 procedure while the other group will be subjected to regular sessions of hymns chanting and yogic breathing exercises supervised by a  certified yoga instructor, along with the standard treatment.

Gayatri Mantra and Yoga Treats Covid-19
AIIMS Rishikesh

After a session of two weeks, both the groups will be tested and compared with each other. The comparison will look whether the group who was subjected to the chanting and breathing exercises showed any measurable improvements over the group receiving the standard treatment. The test will especially look at the improved markers for cellular inflammation  or cell-injury.

The trial will also evaluate whether the recovery time between the two groups varied significantly and was there any reduction in fatigue or anxiety in the patients. 

DST funded ₹3 lakh for the study to see the effect of Gayatri Mantra and pranayama


When asked if the trial had already begun, Dr. Ruchi Dua, pulmonologist and Associate Professor at AIIMS, told the media that the recruitment phase of the trial had begun.  Dr. Dua was the one who applied for the funding from the Department of Science and Technology (DST) and will be heading the clinical trial.

The DST gave an open call for applications to seek funding for the projects to evaluate and develop COVID-19 relevant therapies, drugs, and interventions. Dr. Dua was one of the applicants and has been funded with ₹3 lakh for the trial.


CM Uddhav Thackeray vaccination

The Chief Minister Of Maharashtra Uddhav Thackeray Took The First Dose Of Covid 19 Vaccine

The hospital has taken the first dose of the corona vaccine. The Chief Minister’s Office tweeted a photo of the Chief Minister taking a dose of the vaccine. The Chief Minister took the vaccine this Thursday afternoon. His wife Rashmi Thackeray and his son as well as state tourism minister Aditya Thackeray were also present on the occasion. 

There is some confusion among citizens about the corona vaccine. It is being said that Uddhav Thackeray has taken the corona vaccine to remove this confusion. Chief Minister Thackeray has given the message to the people of the state that everyone should take part in the vaccination campaign by taking this vaccine. Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray has taken the vaccine. 

Uddhav Thackeray vaccinated Covid at JJ Hospital in Mumbai. To get this vaccine, J.J. Uddhav Thackeray’s family members were admitted to the hospital. He was vaccinated after a preliminary investigation by the Chief Minister. They were then kept under observation for half an hour.

There is no reason to be afraid – Chief Minister

Covid does not know anything while injecting vaccines. There is no reason to be scared or confused about this vaccine, said Chief Minister Thackeray. The risk of coronavirus is increasing in the state and those who are eligible for the vaccine should get the vaccine, the Chief Minister has appealed.

Citizens need to be vaccinated and everyone needs to be careful as the risk of the corona is increasing,” he said. Depending on the situation in the state, lockdown may be required in some places. “People should avoid leaving their homes unnecessarily,” he said.

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Registration for covid vaccine

Full Process of registration for the COVID-19 vaccine online on Co-WIN application, and Aarogya Setu Application

The second phase of coronavirus vaccination begins in India on March 1, 2021. India’s Prime Minister “ Narendra Modi” is the first person who got the dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at AIIMS, New Delhi. The vaccination program for people above the age of 60 years and within the bracket of 45-59 years with co-morbidities will begin from March 1 in India. People will be able to self-register using the Co-WIN application. 

The Indian government released the Co-WIN app a few months ago but users are facing several glitches on the application. As per several media reports, the Indian government will release the Co-WIN app 2.0 version on March 1, 9:00 am. You will be able to download the Co-WIN app 2.0 from the Google Play store. Click here to download the Co-WIN app.

How to register for the COVID-19 vaccine online

STEP 1: Enter your mobile number.

STEP 2: You will then get an OTP, enter the OTP and click on the “Verify” button.

STEP 3: You will then be directed to the registration of the vaccination’ page.

STEP 4: Next, choose one photo ID proof.

STEP 5: Fill in your name, age, gender and upload an identity document.

STEP 6: The page will then ask if you have any comorbidities.

STEP 7: Everyone above 60 years are eligible. If you are  above 45 years  you will be required to upload doctor’s certificate as comorbidity proof.

STEP 8: Click on the registration button.

STEP 9: The system will then show account details.

STEP 10: The portal lets you add multiple people under one mobile number by clicking on Add more option.

STEP 11: Next click on schedule appointment.

STEP 12: You can then search a vaccination centre by state, district, block and pincode.

STEP 13: Date and availability will be shown, click on ‘book’ button.

STEP 14: Once the registration is completed you will receive a message with the vaccination appointment.

STEP 15: Notably, you will be able to reschedule an appointment anytime you wish but before the vaccination day.

It should be noted that after the first dose the second dose will be automatically scheduled.

The Co-WIN portal also allows everyone to find the nearest COVID-19 vaccine centre.

Click here to register for COVID-19 vaccine online on Co-WIN application.

How to register for the COVID-19 vaccine using Aarogya Setu Application

STEP 1: First head to the Aarogya Setu app.

STEP 2: Next, click on Co-WIN tab on the home screen.

STEP 3: Select Vaccination Registration option.

STEP 4: Next enter mobile number.

STEP 5: Enter the OTP pin.

STEP 6: Click on verify option.

STEP 7: You will then be directed to the Registration of Vaccination page.

STEP 8: Follow the steps mentioned above for the Co-WIN portal.

Click here to download the Aarogya Setu Application (Android User)

Click here to download the Aarogya Setu Application (App for iPhone)


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arsenic contamination

Arsenic Contamination: The No.1 Silent Killer Of India.

Arsenic contamination is one of the biggest issue Indian people are facing in drinking water. Central Groundwater Board published a report which states that 21 states in our country are facing this issue and have arsenic levels higher than normal.
The first case of contamination of Arsenic in groundwater was observed in 1983 in West Bengal. After that several other states like Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh of Ganga River basin, and Assam and Manipur of Brahmaputra basin have also registered the case of arsenic pollution in their groundwater.

Arsenic Contamination: A major issue on the groundwater of the Indian peninsula

The situation is getting worse with every passing day according to a survey by the Ministry of Jal Shakti, which implies that about 9.6 m people in West Bengal, 1.6 m in Assam, 1.2 m in Bihar, 0.5 m in Uttar Pradesh, and 0.012m in Jharkhand are at the risk of danger. World Health Organization has given the guideline that the permissible limit of arsenic in drinking water is 10 parts per billion while the Indian government recorded it to be 50ppb which is five times higher, hand pumps of Buxar (a district in Bihar) found to have the highest arsenic contamination of 1500 parts per billion.

However, the main highlight of this whole propaganda is to let you all know that the contamination of groundwater has entered the food chain. The reason behind the penetration of arsenic in our food is that farmers use the contaminated water for irrigation purposes and coincidentally Ganga and Brahmaputra plains are the ideal surface for agriculture of various fields and horticultural crops such as rice, wheat, maize, etc. But what actually grown is crops containing hazardous arsenic.

Talking about the health issue caused by this whole scenario is that, Arsenic has been found to be leading to various forms of cancer in India. Specifically skin cancer and cancer of lungs, kidney, and bladder. Several common symptoms like keratosis and pigmentation, which cause hardening of the skin of the palm and soles of feet. It also leads to few other diseases like vascular diseases and respiratory diseases.

Our government is only showing interest in drinking water for the checkup of arsenic contamination. Each hand pumps and tubewell have been tested and marked as safe or unsafe considering the level of arsenic present in water. But this is not enough as the water used for agricultural means has been observed as a major loophole in the surrounding. To solve this issue up to maximum extent government must conduct a closure study towards the water used for agriculture as well, which will prevent it from entering our food chain.

responsible together
Responsible together

Apart from that, it is our responsibility as well to keep an eye on these and be wise enough to save ourselves and our surroundings from any unusual health impact. Ignoring this can be a reason to destroy the environment with this poison.

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