The Biggest NGO In India; How To Start An NGO In India, How To Register An NGO In India, And More

Economics Mar 1, 2021

An NGO, as the name suggests, is a non-governmental organization created by people(s) who are not part of the government. They are not affiliated with the government in any way and thus don’t need any governmental council to run it. Hence, they can also be referred to as a Civil Society Organisation. The main function of an NGO is social welfare such as – housing for orphans or widowed women, women empowerment, education for the poor, etc. 

Some people say, Inorder to sustain a healthy and moral society, the efficient working of an NGO is a must. And in this article, we will try to look at why is that the case with a brief and concise summary about them.

What is an NGO?

A non-governmental organization (NGO), as the name suggests, is a non-profit private organization that works independently from the government. NGOs are generally a group of like-minded people who came together to carry out humanitarian works and promote social welfare. Therefore, NGOs are also often called civil societies. While some NGOs are made up of volunteers, others are made up of paid support staff. 

Non-governmental organizations(NGOs) vs Non-Profit Organization(NPOs)

Let us all be very clear here, there’s a difference between an NGO and an NPO. 

An NGO, as the name suggests, is a non-governmental organization created by people(s) who are not part of the government. They are not affiliated with the government in any way and thus don’t need any governmental council to run it. Hence, they can also be referred to as a Civil Society Organisation. 

On the other hand, a non-profit organization does not generate any profit for its members. Within the Non-Profit Organizations, all profits generated after paying its expenses are put back into the community or to the cause they work on. They don’t divide the excess funds among.

An NGO can be both an NGO and an NPO at the same time or it can only be an NGO without being an NPO. Below is a Venn Diagram in order to simplify it.


How does an NGO work?

NGOs cannot be run by a single person. They usually consist of at least half a dozen people or more. Since an NGO does not operate for generating profits, most of them rely on unpaid volunteers for their day-to-day tasks. 

After forming a team, the NGO needs to work on a social welfare cause – widow remarriage, orphanages, women empowerment, etc. An NGO can be a registered NGO or an unregistered NGO, but only after registration, an NGO is eligible for Government financial support.

What are the works done by an NGO?

NGOs around the world cater to different kinds of social welfare and human welfare. For example, The Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) educates people in order to protect the environment as well as the people and communities who live and depend on it. While The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s purpose is education, healthcare, and ending poverty.

Here are some of the most common social causes:

  • Educating poor children. Example- Smile India
  • Building orphanages. Example- Give India
  • Providing nutritious food to the needy. Example- Share Your Warmth
  • Providing free healthcare.
  • Housing widows.
  • Women empowerment.
  • Providing clean drinking water.
  • Tribal rights.
  • Providing epidemic and natural disaster relief works.
  • Environmental rights 

Types Of NGOs In India


  • It refers to Business Friendly International NGO.


  • It refers to an Environmental NGO, for example- Greenpeace.


  • It refers to Government-organized Non-governmental Organization.


  • It refers to an International NGO, for example- Oxfam.


  • It refers to a Quasi Autonomous NGO, for example- International Organization for Standardization (ISO)


  • It refers to a Civil Society Organization 


  • It refers to a Donor Organized NGO

How To Start An NGO In India

In order to start a new NGO, there are certain rules and guidelines that one needs to be aware of. The rules might vary from state to state, but the general rules across the country are that you need to be a member of an NGO and must have at least 7 members at the time. The NGO has decided its cause, objectives, and its members – president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, advisory member, etc. 

How To Register An NGO In India

An NGO can either be a Registered NGO or an Unregistered NGO. The advantage of being a Registered NGO is that you are eligible to get financial support from the government. 

To set up an NGO, you have to enlist its goals and objectives, decide upon the members and its president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, advisory member, etc. Also, you need to open a separate bank account in the name of your NGO and get it registered under the Central Societies Act. Also, you must possess these necessary documents:  

  • Trust Deed / Memorandum Of Association
  • Rules And Regulation Memorandum
  • Articles Of Association Regulation
  • Affidavit From President
  • Id Proof (Voter Id / Aadhar Card)
  • Residence Proof
  • Registered Office Address Proof
  • Passport 

How Do NGOs Get Funding?

There are different ways NGOs get funding, some of those are:

Government Funds

  • If your NGO is registered and follows the government-certified guidelines, then you are eligible to get government financial assistance.

Organizing program for a financial grant.

  • NGOs regularly organize many fundraisers to collect grants for its cause. It not only helps in raising funds but  also creates awareness about your social cause.

Contacting Private Companies for donation

  • Many private companies do give regular donations to small NGOs to fulfill their social service and gain positive publicity. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Do Non-profit Organisations really not get any profit?

A. As discussed earlier a non-profit organization does not generate any profit for its members. All profits generated after paying its expenses are put back into the community or to the cause they work on. They don’t divide the excess funds among.

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Amar Manohar

I'd like to quote a renowned philosopher: " Give a man a fish, and you will feed him for a day. And give a fool an internet connection, and he will start a blog." In essence, what I'm trying to say is that- you do you.

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