Archive: April 7, 2021

Taiwan Train Accident

ताइवान की सबसे घातक रेल दुर्घटना में कम से कम 48 मृत

पूर्वी ताइवान में एक ट्रेन के आंशिक रूप से पटरी से उतरने के बाद कम से कम 48 लोग मारे गए, जिससे देश की सबसे घातक रेल दुर्घटना हुई। ट्रेन अभी भी आंशिक रूप से एक सुरंग में है, बचे हुए लोग खिड़कियों से चढ़ गए और मानव रहित वाहन से टकराव के बाद ट्रेन की छत पर चढ़ गए, जो एक पहाड़ी पर लुढ़क गई थी। एक लंबे सप्ताहांत के पहले दिन टोरोको गॉर्ज प्राकृतिक क्षेत्र के पास दुर्घटना हुई, जब कई लोग ताइवान की व्यापक प्रणाली पर ट्रेनों को रोक रहे थे। ट्रेन 400 से अधिक लोगों को ले जा रही थी।

राष्ट्रीय अग्निशमन सेवा ने मरने वालों की संख्या की पुष्टि की, जिसमें ट्रेन के युवा, नवविवाहित चालक शामिल थे, और कहा कि सभी सवारों के लिए जिम्मेदार था।
इसमें 100 से अधिक लोग घायल हो गए। रेलवे समाचार अधिकारी वेंग हुई-पिंग ने दुर्घटना को ताइवान की सबसे घातक रेल दुर्घटना बताया। श्री वेनग ने कहा कि रेलवे प्रशासन द्वारा संचालित एक निर्माणाधीन ट्रक ऊपर पहाड़ी पर एक वर्कशीट से ट्रैक पर फिसल गया।

ट्रक में उस समय कोई नहीं था। उन्होंने कहा कि ट्रेन की गति ज्ञात नहीं थी। ट्रेन केवल एक सुरंग से आंशिक रूप से उभरी थी, और इसके अंदर अभी भी बहुत से, भागने वाले कई यात्री दरवाजे और खिड़कियों से बाहर निकलने के लिए मजबूर थे और छत के साथ-साथ सुरक्षा के लिए चलने के लिए ट्रेन के किनारों को स्केल करते थे।

आधिकारिक केंद्रीय समाचार एजेंसी की वेबसाइट पर दृश्य से पोस्ट किए गए टेलीविज़न फुटेज और तस्वीरें लोगों को सुरंग के प्रवेश द्वार के ठीक बाहर एक रेलकार के खुले दरवाजे से बाहर निकलते हुए दिखाई दीं। एक कार की दीवार का एक हिस्सा सीट में धंस गया था। ट्रेन सुरंग में फंसी हुई है। ट्रेन सुरंग में फंसी हुई है। (एपी)
ताइवान एक पहाड़ी द्वीप है और इसके अधिकांश 24 मिलियन लोग उत्तरी और पश्चिमी तटों के साथ समतल क्षेत्रों में रहते हैं जो कि द्वीप के अधिकांश खेत, सबसे बड़े शहरों और उच्च-तकनीकी उद्योगों का घर है।

हल्की आबादी वाला पूर्व पर्यटकों के साथ लोकप्रिय है, जिनमें से कई पहाड़ी सड़कों से बचने के लिए ट्रेन से यात्रा करते हैं। दुर्घटना में एक जांच शुरू की गई थी और किसी भी गिरफ्तारी के बारे में तत्काल शब्द नहीं था।

एक ट्वीट में, ताइवानी राष्ट्रपति त्साई इंग-वेन ने कहा कि आपातकालीन सेवाओं को “प्रभावित और यात्रियों और कर्मचारियों की सहायता के लिए पूरी तरह से जुटाया गया है।”
“हम इस दिल दहला देने वाली घटना के मद्देनजर उनकी सुरक्षा सुनिश्चित करने के लिए हम सब कुछ करना जारी रखेंगे,” उन्होंने कहा।
चार दिवसीय मकबरे स्वीपिंग फेस्टिवल के पहले दिन, वार्षिक धार्मिक अवकाश के दिन यह दुर्घटना घटी जब लोग अपने गृहनगर में पारिवारिक समारोहों के लिए यात्रा करते हैं और अपने पूर्वजों की कब्रों पर उनका सम्मान करते हैं।

ताइवानी प्रीमियर सु त्सेंग-चांग ने कहा कि रेलवे प्रशासन को “इसे फिर से रोकने के लिए” अन्य ट्रैक लाइनों के साथ तुरंत जांच करने की आवश्यकता होगी। दुर्घटना स्थल के पास एक सहायता तम्बू में तैनात त्ज़ु ची बौद्ध फाउंडेशन के लगभग 50 स्वयंसेवकों ने कहा कि बच्चे दर्जनों में से थे जो ट्रेन की कारों से बच गए थे। वे मामूली घावों का इलाज कर रहे थे और दोपहर के भोजन की पेशकश कर रहे थे। “हम ट्रेन से उतरते लोगों को देखते हैं और वे हिल जाते हैं और घबरा जाते हैं,” साइट पर एक त्ज़ु ची टीम के नेता चेन त्ज़ु-चोंग ने कहा।

ताइवान की आखिरी बड़ी रेल दुर्घटना अक्टूबर 2018 में हुई थी, जब एक एक्सप्रेस ट्रेन पूर्वोत्तर तट पर एक तंग कोने को पार करते समय पटरी से उतर गई थी, जिसमें कम से कम 18 लोग मारे गए थे और लगभग 200 घायल हो गए थे।
1991 में, पश्चिमी ताइवान में एक टकराव में 30 लोगों की मौत हो गई और एक दशक पहले एक और दुर्घटना में 30 लोगों की मौत हो गई। उन लोगों को रेल प्रणाली पर सबसे खराब पिछले क्रैश कहा गया था जो 19 वीं शताब्दी के अंत से आते हैं। ताइवान की व्यापक रेल प्रणाली ने हाल के वर्षों में पर्याप्त उन्नयन किया है, विशेष रूप से पश्चिम-तट के शहरों के साथ राजधानी ताइपे को दक्षिण में जोड़ने वाली एक उच्च गति लाइन के अलावा। शुक्रवार की पटरी से उतरने वाली ट्रेन, टोराको 408, ताइवान के नए मॉडलों में से एक है।

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PPSC JE Recruitment 2021: Vacancy left for the post of Junior Engineer, apply here

The Suez Canal Crisis

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Akshay Kumar’s Look Out From The Movie ‘Ram Setu’!

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Delhi government’s decision on rising corona cases, night curfew will be applicable from 10 pm to 5 am in the night

The Delhi government has taken a major decision amid rising cases of coronavirus. It has been decided to impose a night curfew in Delhi. There will be a night curfew from 10 pm to 5 am. No decision has been taken regarding the lockdown. However, the Delhi government has been consistently denying the lockdown. The night curfew in Delhi will continue till 30 April.

Let us tell you that for the last four-five days, around four thousand consecutive cases of coronavirus are coming to Delhi. On Monday, 3,548 new cases of coronavirus were reported in Delhi on Monday, while 15 people died due to this infection. The Health Department of Delhi gave this information. In the last few weeks, the infection rate has increased to 5.54 percent due to the rapid increase in cases of Covid-19.

Also read:

PPSC JE Recruitment 2021: Vacancy left for the post of Junior Engineer, apply here

The Suez Canal Crisis

Corona Condition in Delhi, 3594 New Cases, 14 Dead

Rocketry: The Nambi Effect trailer released, Shah Rukh Khan appeared on the big screen…

Akshay Kumar’s Look Out From The Movie ‘Ram Setu’!

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Ex IITian’s Parivaar NGO Teaching 25 Thousand Poor Children For Free

Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi is the Kohinoor of Hindi Journalism

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PPSC JE Recruitment 2021: Vacancy left for the post of Junior Engineer, apply here

PPSC JE Recruitment 2021: The application process for these posts has started on 02 April 2021. In this, interested and qualified candidates have been given time till 20 April 2021 to apply.

PPSC JE Recruitment 2021: A very good opportunity has come up for the youths who are looking for government jobs in the field of engineering. Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) has issued vacancies for 125 posts of Junior Engineer (PPSC JE Recruitment 2021). Candidates applying under this vacancy will be given jobs in the departments under the Punjab government.

Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC)

This is a very good opportunity for a government job in Punjab. The application process for these posts has started on April 02, 2021. In this, interested and qualified candidates have been given time till 20 April 2021 to apply. Explain that the application process for these posts has been conducted in online mode only. In such a situation, any candidate who wants to apply for these posts can apply online by visiting the official website

How to apply

To apply for these posts of Junior Engineer, follow the steps given below.

  • First of all, go to the official website
  • Go to the ONLINE REGISTRATION section on the home page here.
  • Now click on the link for Apply for the Post.
  • In it, click on the link of “RECRUITMENT TO 125 POSTS OF JUNIOR ENGINEERS (CIVIL)”.
  • Go to Apply Now and complete the registration process.
  • You can apply online after registration.
  • Take the print of the application form.
  • Click here to apply through the direct link.

Eligibility and age limit

Candidates applying for these posts should have an engineering degree in the relevant field. At the same time, the minimum age of the candidates applying for these posts has been fixed at 18 years and the maximum age at 37 years. For more information related to eligibility, you can check the official notification.

Application fees and salary

According to the notification issued by the Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC), the fee will have to be paid in the online mode for applying for these posts. To apply in this, the candidates of the General and OBC category will have to pay Rs 3000 and the rest of the other categories candidates will have to pay Rs 1125 as an application fee. Let us know that the candidates selected for these posts will be given a salary of Rs 35,400 every month.

Read More:

The Suez Canal Crisis

Corona Condition in Delhi, 3594 New Cases, 14 Dead

Rocketry: The Nambi Effect trailer released, Shah Rukh Khan appeared on the big screen…

Akshay Kumar’s Look Out From The Movie ‘Ram Setu’!

Corona Situation Worsens In Recent Times, Punjab Not Doing Enough Tests: Health Ministry

Ex IITian’s Parivaar NGO Teaching 25 Thousand Poor Children For Free

Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi is the Kohinoor of Hindi Journalism

Case Filed Against Rakesh Tikait For Inflammatory Speech

Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro Max Sale On 31st March

Pradhanmantri Berojgari Bhatta Online Registration | Prime Minister Unemployment Allowance Scheme 2021 | Online…

JEE Mains Result March 2021 Toppers List, Find Your State’s Topper

Simlipal National Park Fire In Odisha, Wildfire Extinguished Due To Heavy Rain

How To Take Screenshots Windows 10. The Easiest And The Fastest Way

The Ever Given, a 220,000-ton mega ship

The Suez Canal Crisis

The giant cargo ship named Ever Given which was stuck in the Suez Canal in Egypt has finally been rescued. As per the report, the ship was freed on March 29, 2021, a week after it ran aground blocking other ships from transiting.

The head of the Suez Canal Authority (SCA), Osama Rabie announced the resumption of traffic in Canal. Former SCA chairman, Mohab Mamish also expressed his joy over this topic by saying “I am well and truly overjoyed, we were able to get out of a very tight jam”.

On social media too it became a trending topic. People (specifically Egyptians) greeted the news by sharing various memes. A Suez Canal employee named Ahmed Abbas, shared live footage from the spot on his Facebook account, writing “Praise be to God, the vessel is finally out! Well done to the SCA boys!”. 

How did it happen?

The large cargo ship weighing 2.2 lakh tons, 400m long, 59m wide which was carrying 18,300 containers got stuck diagonally while entering the Suez Canal from the Red sea. It disrupted  12% of the world’s seaborne trade causing a heavy traffic jam with more than 400 ships waiting to enter the canal.

Reason for this cause

However the complete data of investigation has not come out yet, but it is said that strong wind or human and technical error could be a reason.

Impact of this saga on global trade

The 193 km(120 miles) long canal that links the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea. It separates the African continents from Asia and provides the shortest maritime route between Europe and the lands around the Indian and western Pacific oceans, which allows the container ships to avoid long trips around the southern part of Africa. 

According to the renowned shipping journal Lloyds’s list, goods worth $9.6 billion pass through the canal every day. Lloyd says that on average 50 ships get across the canal each day, carrying 1.2 billion tons of cargo.

Several Eastern and western nations have suffered an annihilative economic blow due to the canal blockage. Hundreds of ships carrying goods worth billions were either stuck or forced to take another route, causing significant delays and more shipping costs. Even India has faced a loss of several hundred crores due to this.

Countless retailers around the globe have suffered losses due to the blockage as their shipment was delayed. Ships carrying a large amount of fuel and cargo, have been blocked raising a serious downfall on the global supply chain.

Since the canal route got disrupted for a week by the Japanese-owned ship, the overall trade loss has been estimated roughly around $54 billion

More things to look upon

However, the crisis is not completely resolved yet. The blockage is going to cause a ripple effect on global trade due to the imbalance in shipment time. It was already an imbalanced situation due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and now the blockage has aggravated the situation.

G Raghu Shankar of the Chennai-based International Clearing and Shipping Agency stated that “We can expect a hike in freight rates soon”.

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Delhi Corona Cases

Corona Condition in Delhi, 3594 New Cases, 14 Dead

On Friday, 3594 new cases of Covid-19 were reported in Delhi, which is the highest this year. Also, 14 more people died due to infection in the metropolis, taking the total number of dead to 11,050. This information was given by the Health Department of the metropolis. A bulletin of the Health Department stated that the rate of infection has gone up to 4.11 percent as against 3.57 a day earlier. On Thursday, 2790 cases were reported in Delhi, while 1819 cases were registered on Wednesday.

The rate of infection was 2.71 percent on Wednesday. According to the bulletin, the total number of infected people in the metropolis on Friday increased to 6,68,814. So far, over 6.45 lakh people have recovered from the infection. According to the latest bulletin, 14 more people died from the infection, taking the death toll to 11,050. According to the bulletin, the number of under-treated patients has gone up to 11,994 as against 10,498 a day earlier. The bulletin states that a total of 87,505 probes were conducted a day earlier, including 54,898 RT-PCR probes and 32,607 rapid antigen probes.

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Rocketry: The Nambi Effect trailer released, Shah Rukh Khan appeared on the big screen after two and a half years in R Madhavan’s film

The trailer of the film Rocketry The Nambi Effect, directed by actor R Madhavan, has come in front of the fans. R Madhavan’s amazing acting is being seen in the film. Interestingly, Shah Rukh Khan is also going to be seen in this film, the glimpse of which is also seen in the trailer. The trailer gives a glimpse of the life of Nambi Narayanan. The trailer begins with Shah Rukh Khan, who is seen playing the role of a journalist in an interview with Madhavan’s character Nambi Narayanan. Then we are taken from his youth to old age in Narayanan’s world.

The film is adorned with these stars

The film has also been shot in Scotland, France, and Russia, apart from some locations in India. Apart from Madhavan, Simran and Ravi Raghavendra are also in important roles in the film. The special thing will be the cameo role of actor Surya. Along with this, Rajit Kapoor, Jagan, Ron Donachi, Misha Ghoshal have also done special roles in the film.

Apart from Hindi, the film is going to be released in these languages, Madhavan spent three years in the film

Rocketry: The Nambi Effect

Apart from Hindi, people have been waiting for this film since the launch of the film ‘Rocketry: The Nambi Effect‘ made in English, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Malayalam. Madhavan has spent three years of his life for this story of space scientist Nambi Narayanan.

Madhavan was recently corona positive

R Madhavan became corona positive about a week ago. Let us tell that Madhavan was busy shooting for his upcoming film Ameriki Pandit. A member from the set of the film told that in Bhopal, Madhavan used to go out of the set after eating water completely. He arrived from Mumbai for the Bhopal shoot. At that time, his corona report was negative.

Here’s the trailer link :

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Akshay Kumar’s Look Out From The Movie ‘Ram Setu’!

Superstar Akshay Kumar shared his look from his upcoming film ‘Ram Setu‘ as he started shooting for it. The actor also revealed that he will play the role of an archaeologist in the film.

Akshay Kumar has also shared many information on his Twitter handle with a picture attached to the film. Akshay shared a post with a picture of his character in the film. He wrote, The journey to make one of the most special films for me starts today. Shooting of Ram Setu started! Playing the role of an archaeologist in the film.

Ram Setu

The film is being produced by Abhishek Sharma of ‘Tere Bin Laden‘. Apart from Akshay, it also stars Jacqueline Fernandez and Nusrat Bharucha in the lead roles. In addition, Akshay has a line-up of very interesting films including ‘Bell Bottom‘ featuring Huma Qureshi, Lara Dutta and Vaani Kapoor in the lead. Are in the roles. He will also be seen in ‘Bachchan Pandey‘, where he will be seen in the lead role opposite Kriti Sanon. Arshad Warsi is also playing an important role in this.

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