All posts by Raj Narayan

Cyber ​​Security Threats

Cyber ​​Security Threats and Its Types

A cybersecurity threat is a malicious act to access, steal or damage data. Cyber attacks can come in a variety of forms that can be devastating to an individual, a business, and society as a whole. Some examples of cybersecurity threats are malware, data breaches, phishing attacks, and computer viruses, etc. 

Types of Cyber Security Threats

There are several types of Cyber Security Threats. Here are some types of Cyber Security Threats-

What is spoofing?

This is a way in which the attacker makes unauthorized access to your computer or server, in which the attacker sends a message to the computer network and you feel that someone has sent it, the attacker changes the IP address, the use of spoofing is mostly due to DDOS. The full form of DDOS is the Distributed Denial of Service Attack, this is an attack on any website or server in the world of the Internet by which a website is downed or closed.

Here, when an attacker hacks a website, he operates that website or closes it, then if a user wants to access that website, then that site shows Unavailable, all these works are not done by a single hacker, for this, there is a whole team who together carry out DDoS Attack, in which the attacker is very Sends all the spoofed IP addresses to the server or computer, which brings a lot of traffic to the computer, which your computer cannot handle. In Spoofing, the attacker sends you a mail that looks exactly like an email, and a link is given to it. As soon as you click on that link, Virus comes into your computer or server.

What is Hacking?

Nowadays the demand for computers and smartphones has increased so much that people cannot do their work without using them, whether you work in a company or have a business, you need both these things, you have heard about Cybercrime. This will be a crime in which hackers steal essential information and personal files from other people’s computers or smartphones and blackmail them and place a demand for money or you can also put your personal information on the Internet. A person doing hacking is called a hacker and he has a lot of knowledge about computers.

In hacking, the hacker finds such an entry point in the computer from where he can enter the computer, the purpose of hacking is to harm a computer or to extract specific information from the computer, we can see hackers in two ways. There are some hackers who do hacking for good work and they do no harm to anyone, we call them White Hat Hackers and there are some hackers who use hacking to harass others or their essential files to their system. To steal from them, they are called Black Hat Hackers.

What is Cracking?

Cracking is a technique by which it is done to break the computer’s software or completely destroy the system, it is similar to hacking. Cracking is a very big crime. To do this, the thief breaks the locks, in the same way, the cracker also cracks the programs and accounts of the computer. There are three types of cracking, password cracking, software cracking, network cracking, cracking is done for those software’s which we either use in any store buy from, or buy online Hacker breaks the codes of that software and activates that software through Illegal without paying, this software is also called Pirated Software.

What is Phishing?

The name of Phishing itself suggests that just as you are talking about fishing in a pond, just as a fish is caught by putting something in the pond, in the same way, a mail, or message is sent to you in the computer so that a hacker will be able to access your computer. Or to extract your information from the smartphone, Phishing is a cybercrime in which getting information about your important information like banking, credit/debit card details, password, etc. is called Phishing.

In this, you are called or messaged by any bank or by any legitimate organization but they have not really come from them, they are fake. Phishing is a type of social engineering attack which is often used to steal user’s data. Phishers use social media sites and email to get someone’s information and from here they extract your personal details like your name, work history, about your hobbies, there are five types of Phishing –

  1. Spear Phishing,
  2. Whaling Attack,
  3. Pharming Attacks,
  4. Voice Phishing
  5. SMS Phishing

What Is Spam?

With the increasing use of computers and mobile devices, more things are heard, if you use these devices or have an email account, then you must have heard the word Spam. The word Spam means any unwanted e-mails. Even the receiver of these e-mails does not know where they have come from and who sent them, although e-mails are used to give important information, some attackers use them to harass others. To do this, we call the unwanted mails that come to you Spam.

Nowadays the arrival of Spams is common and email companies have put Antispam Program for Security Purpose so that no such mail can go to you and even if they come, a separate folder is created, they go into it under the name Spam, which Sends spam, it is called Spammer, because of Spam-Mails, there are many Frauds nowadays, some people have made it their source of income, they take their personal information by sending wrong emails to people if your system is working properly. So it should be understood that the number of spams in your account is less. The only way to prevent spam from entering your system is to change your password frequently or keep it in such a way that no one can hack it. Some spammers adopt new techniques to enter your emails.

What is Adware?

Adware is a software package that automatically shows any advertisements on the screen piece by piece, it is absolutely free software, when you are doing any work, with the help of adware, you can go to a website. An Internet Connection is needed to run Adware, before installing Adware on your computer, it should be seen whether it is from a good company or not because some Adware works as spyware which can access your computer’s information from the Internet.

Adware reduces the speed of the computer If the speed of your computer is slow, then there may be Adware in your computer. Some software’s are such that with the help of which you can catch Adware in your computer or prevent them from coming like Avast, AVG, etc. Most of the Adware is safe but some are so dangerous that it can be installed on your computer.

What is Rootkit?

Rootkits are usually used to do wrong things, they create a place in the computer where the software is usually not there, the user is not even aware of it, they sometimes take the shape and form of any other software. When you install any software, it gets installed in your computer with that software and the user does not even know that when Rootkit is installed on your computer, then all control on your computer goes to the Attacker, he can extract any of your personal information from your computer and can blackmail you Rootkit Virus is not easily caught by Anti Virus Software, Rootkit Scanner is needed to detect them.

If Rootkit is installed in your computer, then either you have to completely install your operating system, from which all the information of your computer is lost. If your computer has Rootkit then it turns off your Antimalware Protection and if Your computer’s Windows settings are changing automatically, then this is also due to Rootkit Infection, it is made in such a way that it is not easy to catch and remove it. To catch and remove, either you have to completely install your operating system or there is other such software with the help of which you can detect them.

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What are Backlinks?

What Are Backlinks

There will be doubt in many minds about the backlink, What is a Backlink, and how to create a Backlink? So today we will talk about the same. In order to make their blog successful, bloggers keep learning something new every day, so that if they do something new in their blog, then their blog will slowly become popular.

And all the people of the world will be able to access their blog. There are many ways to make your blog popular, one of them is SEO, using which you can share your knowledge with people around the world. When it comes to SEO, then the most important thing related to it comes to everyone’s mind and that is the backlink.

Those who are already in the blogging field know about the backlink and for those who are new in this field and are starting their new blog, it is very important for them to know about it. So today I am going to tell you about backlinks, what is backlink, how to make them, and what are these types? Which will help to bring your blog to a high ranking on the Google page.

What is Backlink in SEO?

What is Backlink in SEO?
What is Backlink in SEO?

A backlink is a link that creates a way to go from another website to your website. When a link to a web page is linked with a link to another web page, that is called a backlink. With an example in simple language, I will tell you more about the backlink.

Like, suppose there is a good website where many visitors come to read the article on that page, If the link to your site would have been given on that web page, then the visitors coming to that page can also come to your web page by clicking on the link of your site.

So that the visitors to your site will start increasing every day and your website will start coming on a good rank in the search engine. This is what we call backlink.

You must have understood what is the backlink. Now you have some terms related to it, which you need to know about, only then you will be able to understand it well and will use it in your blog. So let’s know about those terms.

1) Link Juice: When the link of a web page is linked to the link of any article of your website or your homepage, then the link flows from there to your website and we call it link juice. This link juice helps to rank your article and also improves your domain authority.

2) Low-quality Links: Low-quality links are those links that are coming to your website from any wrong sites, spam sites, or porn sites. Such links can only harm your website, so whenever you are using the backlink in your blog, then keep in mind that the link of your blog should be linked to a high-quality link.

3) High-quality links: High quality comes from backlinks quality website. Quality websites are those which are popular and whose value is more in google. If you get backlinks from the quality website on your website, then your website will get a high ranking in the search engine.

One thing you have to keep in mind in quality backlinks is that you get backlinks from authoritative and relevant sites. This means that you will have to get backlinks along with other blogs related to the niche on which your blog is made. For example, if your blog is on technology, then you have to get a backlink from another blog related to technology and if you create a link from another blog related to fashion then it will not benefit you.

4) Internal links: These are the links that go from one page of your website to another, this is what we call internal links. Suppose an article on your website is on a very good rank on the page of Google and if you want to put your other article in the same rank on google, then you can link the two articles with each other.

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Types of Backlinks?

Types of Backlinks
Types of Backlinks?

There are two types of backlink: one is DoFollow backlink and second is NoFollow backlink. Let us know about them in detail.

1. DoFollow Backlink
I have already told you about link juice, do-follow backlink helps in passing link juice, which gives the way to go from one website to another, makes a link, it is called a do-follow link. By default, all the links that you give on other websites or blog posts are all do-follow backlinks.

DoFollow links help a lot in increasing the ranking of your site in the search engine and it can prove to be very beneficial for your blog. There is no attribute in a DoFollow link. <a href=””>Link Text</a>

2. NoFollow Backlink
The Nofollow backlink does not pass link juice from one website to another. The search engine has also no value in NoFollow links. The NoFollow Backlink does not help in ranking your site.

Apart from this, the NoFollow backlink proves to be somewhat beneficial for your blog, it gives a natural look to your profile link. If all your links will be DoFollow then google will feel that your profile link is not natural and can also penalize you for that.

Another advantage of this link is that if your site has a link to some other site where you do not like or you feel wrong, then you can add the NoFollow attribute to that link. With this, the link to your website will not be able to go to that website. For example: <a href=”” rel=”nofollow”>Link Text</a>

How to create backlinks for your blog?

There is a lot of confusion about how to create a backlink in contemplation of every new blogger. It is very important to get a quality backlink for your blog, which helps in increasing and popularizing the visitors on your blog.

There is no limit to creating backlinks, you can create as many backlinks as you want, but you will have to create all those links from a quality website, or else why you cannot make thousands of backlinks.

If they are not from a quality website, then your blog will not be benefited from it and maybe Google can penalize your blog further.

So if you want to know how to create backlinks for your blog, then understand the points given below thoroughly.

1) Write Quality Content
This is the best way to get backlinks for your blog. Write the best quality contents in your blog that your visitors like and they will also get to learn something from that content. By writing good content, your website also gets on a good rank on the Google page as soon as possible.

2) Do Guest Blogging
Nowadays in the world of blogging, the popularity of guest blogging is increasing very fast. Guest blogging means that some popular blogs have to submit their guest post. This is a very good way to promote your blog in another popular blog so that visitors of that blog will start to learn about your blog slowly and traffic will start in your blog. With the help of guest blogging, you will get good backlinks.

3) Start Commenting
Start commenting on other good blogs related to your blog’s niche, this gives NoFollow links for your blog, but it is somewhat beneficial. In any blogs where you will comment, do not forget to give the URL of your blog along with the comment, by doing this you will get good backlinks and along with it, more visitors will start coming to your blog, which will also increase the rank of your site.

Uses Of Cloud Computing


What is the definition of backlink?
A backlink is a link that is created when one website provides a link to another website. That is, one website refers to another website. Backlinks are also called "inbound links" or "incoming links". Backlinks are very important from the SEO point of view.
Which type of backlink is the least important?
Nofollow backlinks are the least important. It is also not very valuable. This is because it directs search engines to ignore this particular link. According to Google's official definition, there is a nofollow tag, "Nofollow" is a way that webmasters tell search engines not to follow this type of link.
Do backlinks still work today?
Yes, backlinks still work today. But yes, Google's algorithm is now focusing more on the quality of content, but still the backlink has its own importance.
How many backlinks are considered safe to make in a day?
Creating 10 backlinks a day is considered safe and is also good for the growth of your website.
What makes a backlink toxic?
Toxic backlinks are backlinks that have no value at all. These are specially designed to manipulate search rankings. If a backlink is found by many bad sites i.e. a site that has no topic relevant in any way, or a site which is not even indexed by Google, then such backlink is called Toxic backlink. All these things make the backlink toxic.

Here are some websites where you can check your backlinks.

  1. Free Backlink Checker by Ahrefs: Check Backlinks to Any Site
  2. Free Backlink Checker With Historical and New/Lost Link Data
  3. Backlink Checker – A Free tool to check backlink
  4. Free Backlink Checker Tool | Check Backlinks Of Any Website
  5. Link Explorer – Backlink Checker with 40T Links! – Moz

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Uses Of Cloud Computing

You may have heard this word too many times, but do you know what this Cloud Computing is, why is it getting heard so much these days. As we know that computer network technologies have grown a lot in the last 20 years. Ever since the Internet (the most popular computer network) has revealed its existence, there has been a lot of advancement in the field of computer networks and there has been a lot of research in the field of technologies like Distributed Computing and Cloud Computing.

These technical terms are the concept of both Distributed Computing and Cloud Computing are often the same, there are some inequalities in both. So if you want to understand Cloud Computing then you must also have an understanding of Distributed Computing. Global Industry Analyst has told that this global cloud computing service market will become a business of up to $ 327 billion by 2020. Nearly all companies are using Cloud Computing service today’s more, be it directly or indirectly.

For example, if we talk, whenever we use Amazon or Google’s service, then we are storing all our data in the cloud. If you use Twitter, then you use cloud computing services indirectly.

Distributed Computing and Cloud Computing are both so popular because we needed better computing networks so that our data could be processed faster. So what is cloud computing today? You will know more about this in this article. So, let’s start delaying and know what this Cloud Computing is? And why is it becoming so popular?

What is the cloud?

Talking about Cloud, it is the design of a large interconnected network of servers that have been designed to deliver computer resources. And there is no concept of the precise location where data is coming from and where it is going. If I say in easy language, if a user uses it, then he will feel that he is using huge formless computing power, in which the user can do everything according to his needs, from his email to the mapping of the mobile application.

There is nothing like saying “The Cloud” in the language of Business. Cloud Computing is a collection of licensed services provided by different vendors. Cloud service replaces them with different products in place of technology management and technology acquisition and these products are managed from elsewhere and one thing they are active only when it is needed.

What is Cloud Computing?

What is Cloud Computing

If someone provides a service through the Internet, it is called Cloud Computing. This service can be anything like Off-Site Storage or computing resources.

Or simply say, Cloud Computing is such a style of computing that massively scalable and flexible IT-related capabilities are provided as service with the help of Internet Technologies. Facilities like infrastructure, platform, application, and storage space are available in these services. In this, the users use the services according to their needs and pay the money for the services they use. For this, they do not need to build their own infrastructure.

Nowadays there is a lot of competition in the world and in such a situation, people need service on the Internet at all times, without any delay. If an application ever freezes, then there is a lot of dissatisfaction among the people. People need the service they need 24/7. To fulfill this requirement, we cannot emphasize old mainframe computing, so people used Colored distributed computing technology to solve this problem. Due to which big businesses started doing all their work very easily.

For example, Facebook, which has 757 million active users and which sees about 2 million photos daily, around 3 billion photos are uploaded every month, 1 million websites use facebook to do 50 million operations per second.

In such a situation, the traditional computing system cannot solve these problems, rather we need something better that can work. Therefore, to do such computing, Cloud Distributed Computing is the need of the hour.

Examples of Cloud Computing

  • YouTube is a great example of cloud storage that hosts video files of millions of users.
  • Picasa and Flickr which hosts digital photographs of crores of users on their server.
  • Google Docs is another great example of cloud computing that allows users to upload their presentations, word documents, and spreadsheets to their data servers. Along with this, there is also an option to edit and publish those documents.

Characteristics and Benefits of Cloud Computing

If seen, Cloud Computing has many attractive benefits that are going to be very useful for businesses and people. There are 5 main benefits of cloud computing:

  • Self-service provisioning: End users can do any work according to their need which they need most. With this, the traditional requirements are IT administrators, who used to manage and provision your compute resources earlier, and they are not needed anymore.
  • Elasticity: Companies can increase and earn it according to the computing of their needs. It is a benefit that as before there was a lot of investment on the local infrastructure, it has completely stopped now, it gives a lot of benefit to the companies.
  • Pay per use: Compute resources are measured at a granular level. So that users only have to pay for the resources and workloads that they use.
  • Workload resilience: Cloud service providers often use redundant resources so that they can get resilient storage and with it, they can continue the important work of users who are familiar with multi global regions.
  • Migration Flexibility: Organization can transfer some workloads from one cloud platform to another according to their needs, without any difficulty, and automatically which saves money as well.

History of Cloud Computing

If we talk about Cloud computing, it was born in the tens of 1960s. When the computing industry assumed computing as a service income utility based on its potential benefits. But earlier computing, connectivity, and banwidth were both lacking due to which it was not possible to impliment computing according to a utility.

This was not possible until the availability of Internet bandwidth was achieved in a large scale by 1990. After which it was possible to think of computing as a service.

In 1990, Salesforce successfully implemented commercial enterprise SaaS for the first time. After which AWS did in the year 2002, which used to provide many services like online storage, machine learning, computation. Today there are many mega major providers like Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform which together with AWS are providing cloud-based service to other individuals, small businesses, and global enterprises.

Cloud Computing vs. Distributed Computing

Cloud Computing vs. Distributed Computing

1) Goals

If I talk about distributed computing, it provides collaborative resource sharing by connecting with other users and resources. Distributed Computing always tries to provide administrative scalability (number of the domain in registration), size scalability (number of processes and users), and geographical scalability (maximum distance between the nodes in the distributed system).

While speaking of Cloud Computing, it believes in delivering service in the on-demand environment so that the targeted goal can be achieved. Along with this it also believes in providing more scalability and transparency, security, monitoring, and management. In Cloud Computing, services are delivered with transparency without physical implementation in the cloud.

2) Types

Distributed Computing is divided into three types

1.Distributed Information Systems
The main purpose of these systems is to distribute this information through various communication models across different servers such as RMI and RPC.

2.Distributed Pervasive Systems
These systems are mainly made up of embedded computing devices such as portable ECG monitors, wireless cameras, PDA’s, and mobile devices. These systems can be identified by comparing their instability to any traditional distributed systems.

3.Distributed Computing Systems
In these types of systems, the computers which are connected in the network, the conversations are done through the message to track their activity.

Cloud Computing is divided into four types

  1. Private Cloud
    It is such a cloud infrastructure that dedicatedly hosts all the applications of a particular IT organization so that its complete control is over the data so that the security is unlikely to breach.
  2. Public Cloud
    This type of cloud infrastructure is hosted by other service providers and which are later made public. Users do not have any control in such a cloud nor can they see the infrastructure.

For example, both Google and Microsoft own their cloud infrastructure and later give access to the public.

  1. Community Cloud
    This is a multi-tenant cloud infrastructure in which the cloud is shared between other IT organizations.
  2. Hybrid Cloud
    These are Combination 2 or more different types of clouds (Private, Public, and Community) only then Hybrid cloud infrastructure is formed somewhere where each cloud remains as a single entity, but all the clouds combine to form multiple deployment models, which make the flow redundant.

3) Characteristics

In Distributed Computing, the task is distributed between different computers. So that computational functions can be performed at the same time. Cloud Computing Systems use an on-demand network model that provides access to a shared pool of computing resources with the help of Remote Method Invocations.

Types of Cloud Computing 

Types of Cloud Computing 

Cloud computing can be mainly divided into three parts: IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS.

Cloud Computing Models

1) Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
These services are self-service models that are used for monitoring, accessing, and managing the infrastructure from a remote location.

Examples – Servers, Firewalls, Routers, CDN

2) Platform as a service (PaaS)
It provides a line of self-service modules for software developers to manage the computing infrastructure from centralized IT operations.

Examples – Email services: Gmail,

3) Software as a service (SaaS)
SaaS accesses the web to deliver applications that are managed by third-party vendors and whose user interface can only be accessed from the client.

Application Building: Google App Engine, SAP Hana, Cloud Foundry

Cloud Computing has changed the entire computing industry. It has completely changed the look of businesses and the IT infrastructure as well. It provides a lot of benefits for hardware and software, which seemed impossible only a few years ago.

Now a virtual machine needs just a few minutes to run. Cloud Computing has changed the attitude of companies and businesses. It has now become the first choice of all because if someone does business with proper planning, strategy, and budget properly, then this will definitely get success.

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  • In-line Controls: Answer or Reject or Calls, Play or Pause or Forward or Rewind Music, Voice Command. Kevlar Cable
  • Ergonomically designed drivers: Aerospace grade AL alloy drivers give the best acoustics, 3D HD sound, and a punchy bass
  • Earloop for Sport Fit: Earloop Hold your buds in ear stably, perfectly fit for running, climbing, hiking, cycling, etc. IPX5 waterproof
  • Extra Bass: Boult’s Neodymium technology enables drivers to deliver extra punchy and deep bass with accentuates the warm mids and crystal clear sparky highs
  • Built-in Mic: Condenser microphone for HD calls and Siri or Google Assistant voice command
  • Compatibility: Works with all OS, all Bluetooth enabled Smartphones, Laptops, PCs, Tablets, from all the brands
  • Designed in the USA; Warranty and Other queries: 1 Year Brand Warranty; contact_us on: [+91 9555 602 502]
  • Country of Origin: China

Boult Audio BassBuds Loop in-Ear Wired Earphones with 12mm Powerful Driver for Extra Bass with Customizable Ear Loop & Mic (Red)

Click Here To Buy

BrandBoult Audio
Connector TypeWired
Model NameLoupe
Form FactorIn Ear

About this item

  • In-line Controls: Answer or Reject or Calls, Play or Pause or Forward or Rewind Music, Voice Command
  • Ergonomically designed drivers: Aerospace grade AL alloy drivers give the best acoustics, 3D HD sound, and punchy bass. Inline Control
  • Earloop for Sport Fit: Earloop Hold your buds in ear stably, perfectly fit for running, climbing, hiking, cycling, etc
  • Extra Bass: Boult’s Neodymium technology enables drivers to deliver extra punchy and deep bass with accentuates the warm mids and crystal clear sparky highs
  • Built-in Mic: Condenser microphone for HD calls and Siri or Google Assistant voice command; IPX5 Waterproof; Passive Noise Cancellation
  • Compatibility: Works with all OS, all Bluetooth enabled Smartphones, Laptops, PCs, Tablets, from all the brands
  • Designed in the USA; Warranty and Other queries: 1 Year Brand Warranty; contact_us on: [+91 9555 602 502]
  • Country of Origin: China

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DIGITEK® (DRL 12C) Professional 12″ inch LED Ring Light with Tripod Stand with 3 color modes

  • ✅ ADD GRACE TO EVERY SHOT: Digitek DRL12C ring light is a combo pack of ring light with 5′ light stand. Equipped with a light stand it gives you convenience to take photos or make videos with your friends or family effortlessly. This 25 Watt ring light can efficiently add enough light to your face or articles while recording video or capturing pictures. From beginners to professionals, it is a perfect tool to use.
  • ✅ FUNCTIONS: Ball head with 1/4″ screw, 360 degree rotation & 180 degree tilt makes it easy to target the ring light to your subject at many angles, perfect for live streaming, video calling, flat lay, taking selfies & more.
  • ✅ THREE GEARED TEMPERATURE CONTROL: 3 colors lighting mode cool white, warm white, and day light. Each lighting mode has 10 adjustable brightness to choose from, meeting all your needs in different circumstances. It is the perfect dimmable lighting to take away all the unflattering shadows.
  • ✅ STEPLESS ADJUSTMENT: DRL12C Ring light for mobile & camera is controlled via the IR remote controller or the knob on the ring light. Adjust the color temperature from 3200 K to 6500 K easily without using color filters. Achieve cold white light or warm light to hide blemishes and change skin tones quickly and easily.
  • ✅ APPROPRIATE FOR BOTH INDOOR & OUTDOOR SHOOT: When you find that indoor/outdoor brightness is insufficient, you can turn on our ring light with stand, and adjust the brightness of the ring light according to the environment. This Bi-color LED ring light can be used at places like market, beach, park or any other outdoor places.

Jaspo Skull Rider Fiber Skateboard 30 x 8 inches Suitable for Age Group 8 Years & Above

About this item

  • Smooth Rider with Skull Rider: Skull Rider skateboard is made of fiber material suitable for 8 years and above kids, boys, girls and teenagers. It provides durable with rounded edges. It is compact and unique design pattern specially for skateboarding in streets or playgrounds.
  • Upgraded & Better Controlling: 30” x 8” inches skateboard is having thick fiber deck. This allows wide range of implement tricks and providing easy grip control. In addition, extra handling support while doing riding on skateboard.
  • Smooth Ride with Skull: The wheel 53 mm polyurethane highly injected wheels 95 A with ABEC-7 608zzz bearings that provides smooth riding experience on any kind of surface. Perfect for any age group and any skate level but practice before doing it. Overall, it improves your skating performance.

What Is Google Ads And How Does Google Ads Work

You see thousands, millions of advertisements every day through the internet whether you are watching a video on YouTube or doing some search on Google, or using an application on your mobile, you get to see advertisements, the most among all these advertisements. Advertisements are displayed through Google Ads, even if you are watching that advertisement on YouTube, whether you will be able to see ads of Google Ads on any website, then if you also want to know what is Google Ads, how it works, and Where do so many advertisements come from, so keep reading carefully.

What are google ads?

Google AdWords is Google’s most prominent source of income, which was launched in October 2000. It is Google’s largest advertising platform where advertisers from all over the world come to advertise here, anyone can advertise their business and their business Google AdWord’s ads can be increased by Google’s AdSense program, served on blogs, websites, and YouTube channels, so that the traffic coming to that website is shown by Adsense of the same choice through Adsense. Have done but today we know how Google Ads works.

As we now know that Google AdWord, whose name is currently Google ads, is an advertising platform, there are all kinds of tools available for the advertiser, so that they can easily create advertisements and decide the budget according to their own. It helps the advertiser to decide the budget of the advertisement according to the keyword. It is a fully customized platform where you can also advertise with a minimum budget of Rs 100 per day, whether the ad is in video format or text.

Suppose you have a pizza shop and you go to Google AdWord to advertise it. Google AdWord tells you which bird is related to the pizza shop, people search on Google, from here you can select that keyword for your advertisement. Apart from this, you can also select in which country, in which state, or in which city you want to advertise, on the basis of language, age, and gender, as well as on the basis of interest to your audience. You can filter when all the work is done, then you can set the budget on Google AdWord as per your choice. You can also run ads for Rs. 100 per day for starters. Google Ads works in three ways, that is, you can run your advertising campaign on Google Ads in three ways –

  1. Search Network Campaign – Such advertisements are in text format which Google shows in the search on its home page when a user enters the keyword related to that advertisement in the home page.
  2. Display Network– Such advertisements are in image format which you can usually see in a blog, website, or app.
  3. Video Campaigns – Such advertisements are in the video format that is shown to you mostly on YouTube. Placement of these ads is either immediately before the video or you are shown such ads in the middle of the video.

What does CPC mean on Google ads?

When you create an ad on Google Ads, there you decide the cost per click on the ad, that is, you pay Google Ads only when someone clicks on your ad, it is called CPC ( Cost Per Click ). They say apart from this, you can also decide the cost of each impression and pay based on it, it is not necessary that your ad is clicked here, the payment will be decided based on how many times your ad has been viewed.

What is the benefit of marketing on google ads?

Google Ads is a very effective program that is very beneficial for your offline and online business. If you do business online, have a website or blog, then you can increase your sales directly through online advertising. You can bring them to your website, you can register them directly on your website.

If you want to get phone calls from your customers, then Google Adword gives you the facility of a click-to-call button with your advertisement, so that your customers can click on your ad and call you directly on your phone number. 

If you do offline business, through Google Ads, you can help your business find them with your customers on Google map and get more and more local customers.


Hope you have understood what Google AdWord is, how it works and what kind of advertisements can be made here, if you still have any question, you can ask us in the comment below.

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How To Increase Immunity Home Remedies

How To Boost Your Immunity Home Remedies

What is immunity?

Immunity is the shield of our body that protects our body from bacteria, viruses, and many diseases. Immunity begins to weaken due to bad habits or due to old age, and as immunity weakens, diseases attack the body. If your body immunity is always strong, then you can avoid most diseases and lead a healthy life.
Today in this article we will tell you that-

  • What are the causes of immunity weakening?
  • How you can make your immunity stronger in a natural way?

So let’s first know what are the reasons why immunity is weak.

Reasons Of Weakness Of Immunity

1) Junk food – Today’s lifestyle and the kind of food that most people are eating are weakening our immunity. People are eating food only to taste off balance, due to which the consumption of junk food is constantly increasing. The amount of chemicals and fat in junk food is very high which causes damage to your body and your immune system.

2) Getting less sleep – It has been revealed in many research that when a person sleeps less, it directly affects the immune system of the body. When a person starts sleeping less, the brain cells start to become weak and the amount of cortisol in the body starts increasing. Cortisol is a hormone produced in the adrenal gland. Its overdose has a bad effect on your health.

In one study, it was revealed that if you do not sleep one night, due to this, your next 21 day schedule gets spoiled which causes a lot of damage to your immune system.

3) Stress – Today, in a life full of stress, stress has become a big part of people’s life. Most people are spending most of their time under stress due to which the amount of cortisol in their blood is constantly increasing and due to this their immunity is constantly getting weaker.

4) Drinking less water – Water also has a very important role in keeping immunity strong. As we know about 65% of the human body is made up of water, due to which there is a lack of water in the body, then the functioning is obstructed and this also weakens the immunity, so 8 to 10 glasses of water in a day is a must should drink.

5) Excessive intake of tea or coffee – Those people who are into coffee and tea etc., increase the amount of caffeine in their body, which causes hormone disbalance. It also reduces your sleep and weakens your immunity.

6) Personal Hygiene – Personal hygiene means keeping yourself clean and hygienic. We all know its importance but still many people are negligent. Even many people do not bother to wash their hands before eating food. A study revealed that if people start washing their hands with soap before eating food, then they will be 90% less ill. More things come under personal hygiene such as bathing daily and keeping your nails clean. If you do not take care of your personal hygiene, then your immunity gets weakened.

7) Less manual labor – The way technology is getting advanced, people are getting less manual labor which is also a good thing but physically is a very bad thing. When you do less physical exertion, the fat starts accumulating in your body and your body is not able to sweat, due to which many toxins start accumulating in your body and it weakens your immunity.

8) Serious Behavior – You may be surprised to know that according to a study, people who have more serious behavior and who try to control their emotions more, increase the amount of cortisol in their body and increase cortisol. Due to this, immunity is weak, so one should always relax and be happy. By having more serious behavior in life, only puts pressure on your mind and your relations are also not good.

Natural Ways To Boost The Immune System

1) Healthy foods – It is very important to have the right foods to keep the immunity strong as micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals are highly needed to keep the immunity strong. If you follow a balanced diet in food, it helps to keep your immune system strong. Be sure to include green leafy vegetables and fruits in your balanced diet.

2) Adequate sleep – According to science every person needs 7 to 8 hours of sleep daily. If you sleep more than this or sleepless, then in both stages you suffer. So you should try to sleep at night from 9:00 to 10:00 and wake up from 4:00 to 5:00 in the morning. Set a time to sleep. This habit will make your immunity even stronger.

3) Yoga – Yoga is very effective for keeping the body healthy and flexible and boosting immunity. We do not need to tell you about the many benefits of yoga. Now science also believes that it is better to start doing yoga than going to the gym. When you start doing yoga, it makes your body strong not only from outside but also from inside your body. The biggest advantage of doing yoga is that it greatly strengthens your immunity.

4) Workout – Exercising is a very good habit. If you exercise every day, then the calories burned in the body are burnt due to the hard work behind it. Due to which sweat comes out of the body and cortisol comes out. By exercising, not only your physical health but also your mental health is fine and it makes your immunity strong. The immunity of people who do not exercise is weaker than the person who exercises daily.

Home Remedies For Strengthening Immunity

1) Ashwagandha – Ashwagandha is counted among the biggest and beneficial herbs of Ayurveda. It is said that a person who consumes ashwagandha, keeps away from thousands of diseases and his body does not grow old too quickly. If you consume ashwagandha every day, it makes your immune system very strong and also increases the energy in your body which a person uses ashwagandha with the right rules, that person’s body becomes strong and young for a long time. lives.

2) Amla – Amla has also been called the nectar fruit in Ayurveda and it is said that it is because there is a lot of vitamin C in the gooseberry. You will be surprised to know that vitamin C in 15 oranges contains as much vitamin C in a single gooseberry and vitamin C is considered a very important element in strengthening the immune system. If you consume amla in any form daily, it makes your immune system strong. You can also take gooseberry as marmalade or as a pickle or a juice.

3) Giloy – Giloy is also called ‘Amrita’ in Ayurveda which means nectar vine means that this plant is like any nectar. Giloy contains antioxidants and vitamin C-like elements which destroy the free radicals produced in the body. Consumption of Giloy also cleanses the blood and due to the abundant amount of Vitamin C, it also helps to boost immunity.

4) Chyawanprash – More than 100 herbs and ingredients are used in a good quality Chavanprash. If one teaspoon of Chavanprash is consumed daily on an empty stomach in the morning, it not only makes the immune system strong but also eliminates many allergies and infections. Chyawanprash is very beneficial for those who have less stamina and fatigue problems. Especially men must consume Chyawanprash.

5) Turmeric Milk – If you want that you do not have to work too hard to increase immunity, then you just use this recipe daily. You add 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder to a glass of cow’s milk every night before bed and start drinking it daily by adding a pinch of black pepper. With the effect of turmeric and black pepper, it will remove the defects of your body and at the same time, it will make your immunity quite strong.

6) Ayurvedic decoction – decoction has been given great importance in Ayurveda. Its use makes your immune system very strong. Its intake is always on an empty stomach in the morning or an empty stomach in the evening. Let us know what is the method of making this decoction:

Method – Take 5 basil leaves, 5 black pepper, ginger, honey, cinnamon, makhana. Now heat 1 cup of water and add these ingredients and boil it well.

Pay attention to these important things

1) Start sleeping early at night and start waking up early in the morning. This is a very good habit that boosts your immunity.

2) Always eat homemade food and avoid eating contaminated outside and include balance diet in your life.

3) Get enough sleep for 7 to 8 hours because whatever you do, if your sleep is not complete then your immunity will be weak.

4) Exercise daily because a research has revealed that the immunity of those people who exercise every day is stronger than those who do not exercise.

5) Do not consume alcohol, smoking, or any kind of intoxicants; Immunity is weak due to the consumption of these things and these things call for diseases.

Friends, hope that you liked this article and you must have found the answer to the questions related to immunity.

NOTE:- If you have any other question in mind, then definitely ask in the comment box.

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कोविड - 19 टीका

COVID-19 वैक्सीन की सच्चाई के बारे में कुछ जानकारी जो आपको पता होनी चाहिए

कोरोनावायरस महामारी ने हमारे जीवन को पर्याप्त विनाश दिया है, इस तथ्य की परवाह किए बिना कि हम COVID-19 वैक्सीन के बारे में गलत धारणा में हैं। क्या आपने कभी सोचा कि मास्क पहनना या सैनिटाइज्ड होना COVID-19 को रोल आउट करने के लिए काफी है? नहीं, टीका लगाया जाना वायरस मुक्त और स्वस्थ जीवन की दिशा में एक बड़ा कदम है।

लोगों के दिमाग में सबसे आम सवाल उठता है कि क्या कोरोनावायरस वैक्सीन सुरक्षित है? क्या टीका लगने के बाद हम कोरोनोवायरस के खिलाफ सावधानी बरतना बंद कर सकते हैं?

आप अपने सभी प्रश्नों और शंकाओं को इस लेख से स्पष्ट कर सकते हैं।

बाजार में उपलब्ध सबसे अच्छा वैक्सीन?

सीडीसी (रोग नियंत्रण और रोकथाम केंद्र) का कहना है कि आपके लिए उपलब्ध वैक्सीन सबसे अच्छा वैक्सीन है और एक विशिष्ट ब्रांड या नाम के लिए प्रतीक्षा करना मूर्खता है। कोरोनोवायरस वैक्सीन जो अभी भी आपके लिए उपलब्ध है, गंभीर बीमारी को कम करने के लिए डिज़ाइन की गई है।

फाइजर और मॉडर्न टीके एम-आरएनए तंत्र का उपयोग करते हैं, जबकि जॉनसन एंड जॉनसन डीएनए विधि का उपयोग करते हैं। बाजार में कई टीके उपलब्ध हैं और सभी का कुशलतापूर्वक परीक्षण किया गया है। उनके पास एक अच्छी प्रभावकारिता दर है और वे सभी टी-कोशिकाओं के उत्पादन के लिए शरीर की कोशिकाओं को बढ़ावा देते हैं और उनसे जुड़ी प्रोटीन की एक स्मृति को बनाए रखते हैं। और टीका लगवाने के बाद भी आपको यह जानने की कोशिश करनी चाहिए कि प्रतिरक्षा को कैसे बढ़ाया जाए।

टीके गंभीर दुष्प्रभाव पैदा कर सकते हैं ?

वैक्सीन के बारे में नंबर 1 की गलतफहमी में से एक यह है कि यह आपके शरीर पर गंभीर दुष्प्रभाव विकसित कर सकती है। सभी में एक अलग तरह की प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली होती है, इसलिए वे अलग तरह से प्रतिक्रिया देते हैं और यह ध्यान रखना महत्वपूर्ण है कि दुष्प्रभाव एक सामान्य संकेत है कि आपका शरीर प्रतिरक्षा का निर्माण कर रहा है। कुछ लोग उन्हें अनुभव करते हैं और अन्य नहीं करते हैं। दुष्प्रभाव आमतौर पर 24-48 घंटे के बाद चले जाते हैं, अगर यह आपके स्वास्थ्य प्रदाता को बुलाता है।

सबसे आम दुष्प्रभावों में शामिल हैं:

  • जी मिचलाना
  • हल्का सिरदर्द
  • हल्का बुखार
  • चिड़चिड़ापन
  • बुखार
  • थकान
  • इंजेक्शन वाले स्थान पर दर्द या सूजन

इन दुष्प्रभावों से निपटने के लिए कुछ सुझाव:

  • इंजेक्शन वाले स्थान पर आइस पैक लगाने से दर्द से राहत मिल सकती है।
  • बुखार, मतली और ठंड लगने से बचने के लिए, इलेक्ट्रोलाइट पानी और तरल पदार्थों का खूब सेवन करें।
  • आप लक्षणों को नियंत्रित करने के लिए टीकाकरण के बाद टाइलेनॉल या मोट्रिन ले सकते हैं, लेकिन टीकाकरण से पहले या लक्षणों की उपस्थिति से पहले उन्हें लेने की सिफारिश नहीं की जाती है क्योंकि यह आपकी प्रतिरक्षा प्रतिक्रिया को बर्बाद कर सकता है।

क्या यह टीका प्रजनन क्षमता पर प्रभाव डाल सकता है?

ओबी-जीवाईएन, डॉ। जेनेफिर कोंटी, मॉडर्न फर्टिलिटी के लिए एक मेडिकल सलाहकार हैं, जो टीके के बारे में गलत जानकारी देते हैं कि यह प्लेसेंटा में मौजूद प्रोटीन पर हमला कर सकता है। Synctin-1 जिसमें वैक्सीन की स्पाइक प्रोटीन जैसी संरचना होती है, वह झूठी है । इसके अलावा, उसने कहा कि टीके और सिनक्टिन -1 की एक अलग संरचना है और एम-आरएनए मानव में प्लेसेंटा के गठन में हस्तक्षेप नहीं करेगा।

COVID 19 टीकों और महिला प्रजनन क्षमता पर नकारात्मक प्रभाव के बीच कोई संबंध नहीं है। गर्भावस्था के दौरान इस टीके के उपयोग के बारे में डेटा आश्वस्त है और क्योंकि एम-आरएनए इतनी तेज़ी से गिरावट करता है, यह अत्यधिक संभावना नहीं होगी कि टीका प्रजनन क्षमता पर प्रभाव डाल सकता है। पुरुषों के लिए, शुक्राणु उत्पादन में गिरावट का असर वैक्सीन के दुष्प्रभाव के रूप में हो सकता है लेकिन यह गंभीर नहीं है और दीर्घकालिक रूप से प्रजनन क्षमता को प्रभावित नहीं कर सकता है।

वायरस होने के बाद COVID-19 टीके लेने की आवश्यकता नहीं है?

विलियम सेफ़नर, एक संक्रामक रोग विशेषज्ञ के एमडी और वेंडरबिल्ट यूनिवर्सिटी स्कूल ऑफ मेडिसिन में प्रोफेसर कहते हैं कि सीडीसी आधिकारिक तौर पर प्राकृतिक प्रतिरक्षा होने के बाद भी टीकाकरण करने की सिफारिश करता है क्योंकि यह आपकी प्रतिरक्षा को बढ़ावा देगा और विभिन्न प्रकार के वायरस से लड़ने की क्षमता बढ़ाएगा।

सार्वजनिक स्वास्थ्य विशेषज्ञ अभी भी सीओवीआईडी ​​19 प्रतिरक्षा के बारे में जानने के लिए संघर्ष कर रहे हैं कि प्राकृतिक संक्रमण के बाद शरीर को वायरस से किस हद तक सुरक्षा मिलती है, और यह सुरक्षा कितनी देर तक चलती है। प्राकृतिक प्रतिरक्षा के बाद भी लोगों के पुष्ट होने की रिपोर्ट की पुष्टि की जाती है, इसलिए टीका प्राप्त करने से न केवल प्रतिरक्षा को “बढ़ावा” मिलेगा, बल्कि भविष्य में वायरस के परिसंचारी वेरिएंट के खिलाफ प्रतिरक्षा प्रदान करेगा।

COVID 19 के लिए एक टीका प्राप्त करके आप अपनी सुरक्षा कर रहे हैं और अपने प्रियजनों के लिए एक अंतर बना रहे हैं। वायरस से बचाव के आश्वासन के लिए, या तो आपके पास COVID 19 है या नहीं, टीकाकरण पर जोर दिया गया है। सभी टीकों को वायरस के विभिन्न प्रकारों से आगे रहने के लिए “संभावित बूस्टर” शॉट के रूप में डिज़ाइन किया गया है।

महामारी ने लाखों लोगों की जान ले ली है और अभी तक खत्म नहीं हुई है, इसलिए सुरक्षा सावधानी बरतना आवश्यक है अर्थात सार्वजनिक स्थान पर मास्क पहनना, सामाजिक दूरी बनाए रखना, अनावश्यक यात्रा करना, और सबसे महत्वपूर्ण यह है कि जब आपके पास ऐसा करने के लिए टीका लगाया जाए।

यह भी पढ़ें:

कोरोनावायरस: सुरक्षित रहने के लिए कोरोनोवायरस महामारी के दौरान आपको पांच गैजेट्स में निवेश.

आज से 18+ के लिए वैक्सीन पंजीकरण: पंजीकरण के बिना कोई नंबर नहीं आएगा,…

कोरोनोवायरस की दूसरी लहर को नियंत्रित करने के लिए कैलिफोर्निया भारत को ऑक्सीजन की आपूर्ति करेगा

मंगल ग्रह की खोज और लुप्तप्राय प्रजातियों की बचत

उत्तराखंड कोविद -19 अपडेट: उत्तराखंड में कोरोना के 5000 नए मामले, 81 मरीजों की मौत

दिल्ली में एक हफ्ते के लिए बंद, सीएम केजरीवाल ने किया ऐलान

प्राणवायु को उत्तर प्रदेश ले जाने वाली ऑक्सीजन एक्सप्रेस 24 अप्रैल को लखनऊ पहुंची

नासिक के ज़ाकिर हुसैन अस्पताल में ऑक्सीजन टैंक लीक, 22 मरीजों की मौत

कोरोनावायरस: केंद्र सरकार ऑक्सीजन की बढ़ती मांग के मद्देनजर औद्योगिक उपयोग पर प्रतिबंध लगाती है


कोरोनावायरस: सुरक्षित रहने के लिए कोरोनोवायरस महामारी के दौरान आपको पांच गैजेट्स में निवेश करना चाहिए

भारत में COVID-19 महामारी कोरोनोवायरस रोग 2019 (COVID-19) की दुनिया भर में महामारी का हिस्सा है, जो गंभीर तीव्र श्वसन सिंड्रोम कोरोनावायरस 2 (SARS-CoV-2) के कारण होता है। भारत में COVID-19 का पहला मामला, जो चीन से उत्पन्न हुआ था, 30 जनवरी 2020 को रिपोर्ट किया गया था। [5] वर्तमान में भारत में एशिया में सबसे अधिक पुष्टि मामले हैं। [६] मई 2021 तक, भारत में दुनिया भर में (संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका के बाद) सीओवीआईडी ​​-19 संक्रमण के लगभग 20 मिलियन और 5 मई 2021 तक 226,188 मौतों के साथ दूसरे सबसे अधिक मामले दर्ज किए गए हैं।

छूत की अत्यधिक संक्रामक प्रकृति को देखते हुए, न केवल यथासंभव सख्त रूप से सामाजिक गड़बड़ी का अभ्यास करना आवश्यक है, लेकिन सुरक्षित रहने के लिए गैजेट्स का उपयोग भी करें। हम उन पाँच गैजेट्स को सूचीबद्ध कर रहे हैं जिन्हें आपको इन परीक्षण समय के दौरान निवेश करना चाहिए।

1.​No-contact thermometer (Infrared thermometer)

Vandelay Infrared Thermometer – 3 years Sensor Warranty – MADE in INDIA – Non-Contact IR Thermometer, Forehead Temperature Gun

Vandelay Infrared Thermometer – 3 years Sensor Warranty – MADE in INDIA – Non-Contact IR Thermometer, Forehead Temperature Gun

जैसा कि हम धीरे-धीरे भारत में अनलॉक योजना के चरण 3 में प्रवेश करते हैं, लोग धीरे-धीरे आवश्यक होने पर घर की मदद, इलेक्ट्रीशियन आदि के विचार के अनुकूल हो जाते हैं। यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए कि आपके घर के अंदर कदम रखने वाले लोग उच्च तापमान पर नहीं चल रहे हैं, आप एक इन्फ्रारेड थर्मामीटर में निवेश कर सकते हैं, जो बिना संपर्क वाला थर्मामीटर है। इस तरह, आप कम से कम उपन्यास कोरोनावायरस के रोगसूचक वाहक के संपर्क में आने से बच सकते हैं।

इस आइटम के बारे में

  • गैर संपर्क और सटीक रीडिंग: गैर संपर्क अवरक्त माप। क्रॉस इंफेक्शन से बचने के दौरान दूरी को मापने की दूरी 1-2 इंच के नीचे होती है। माथे थर्मामीटर चिकित्सा चिकित्सकीय परीक्षण किया गया है, और एक बहुत छोटा त्रुटि मार्जिन है। यह वास्तव में मानक पारा थर्मामीटर की तुलना में अधिक सटीक और स्वस्थ है।
  • ध्वनि अलार्म: उच्च सटीकता वाले अवरक्त माप, जब तापमान खत्म हो जाता है, तो श्रव्य चेतावनी ट्रिगर हो जाएगी। एचडी एलईडी स्क्रीन स्पष्ट और कुरकुरा संख्या प्रदर्शित करती है जो पढ़ने में आसान है।
  • बहुउद्देश्यीय: माथे थर्मामीटर सभी उम्र के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है: वयस्कों, शिशुओं और बड़ों। यह मानव, कमरे या वस्तु का तापमान लेने का समर्थन करता है।
  • मेमोरी फ़ीचर: यह 32 तापमान रीडिंग तक स्टोर कर सकता है और किसी भी समय उन्हें वापस बुला सकता है। यह एक रिकॉर्ड रखने के लिए काम में आता है, और यह शिशुओं, बच्चों, वयस्कों के लिए सुविधाजनक बनाता है। साथ ही इसमें पावर सेविंग के लिए ऑटो शटडाउन फीचर है।
  • वारंटी या सेवा के मुद्दों के लिए कृपया हमें 8828104948 पर कॉल करें।

2.Pulse oximeter

Pulse oximeter

इस छोटे उपकरण को किसी व्यक्ति की अंगुलियों, पैर या कानों पर चिपकाया जा सकता है और यह जल्दी (और दर्द रहित) व्यक्ति की ऑक्सीजन संतृप्ति को बता सकता है। यह ध्यान दिया जाना चाहिए कि मूक हाइपोक्सिया (रक्त में ऑक्सीजन का बहुत कम स्तर, बिना किसी स्पष्ट संकट के) उपन्यास कोरोनवायरस के चेतावनी लक्षणों में से एक है। कली में समस्या को समाप्त करने के लिए, अपने ऑक्सीजन संतृप्ति की नियमित निगरानी के लिए एक पल्स ऑक्सीमीटर में निवेश करने की सलाह दी जाती है, खासकर अगर आपको सड़क पर उद्यम करने और उच्च-जोखिम श्रेणी से संबंधित होने की आवश्यकता होती है। यह सुनिश्चित करना महत्वपूर्ण है कि आप रीडिंग लेते समय हिलें या हिलें नहीं और आपके नाखूनों पर कोई पिगमेंट (नेल पेंट / मेहंदी) न लगाएं।

3.Automatic sanitizer spray

Rechargeable automatic hand sanitizer disinfectant spray machine 

अपने घर (घर की मदद, इलेक्ट्रीशियन आदि) में आने वाले लोगों के साथ न्यूनतम संपर्क सुनिश्चित करने के लिए आप अपने सामने के दरवाजे पर एक विद्युत सैनिटाइज़ स्प्रे स्थापित कर सकते हैं। यह टच-कम सैनिटाइजर आपके घर में और आसपास की वस्तुओं को अनावश्यक रूप से छूने की आवश्यकता को मिटा देगा और यह सुनिश्चित करेगा कि लोगों ने घर के अंदर जाने से पहले अपने हाथों को साफ कर लिया है।

4.Vegetable and fruit disinfectant

Nimwash Vegetable & Fruit Wash 1000 ml I 100% Natural Action, Removes Pesticides & 99.9% Germs,with Neem and Citrus Fruit Extracts

उत्कट सफाई, धुलाई और स्वच्छता के युग में, यह एक ऐसे गैजेट में निवेश करने के लिए समझ में आता है जिसका उद्देश्य फलों और सब्जियों कीटाणुरहित करना है। यह न केवल प्रत्येक और हर चीज को हाथ से साफ करने का अतिरिक्त बोझ उठाएगा बल्कि उपज से कीटाणुओं, जीवाणुओं और विषाणुओं को पूरी तरह से हटा देगा। आपके लिए भोजन की खपत को सुरक्षित बनाने के लिए, यह उपकरण अपनी रासायनिक मुक्त ओजोन प्रौद्योगिकी का उपयोग करता है। आपको बस एक कंटेनर को पानी से भरना होगा, उसमें फल और सब्जियां मिलानी होंगी और अपना काम करने के लिए कंटेनर में कीटाणुनाशक मशीन के पाइप को डुबो देना होगा।

5.Blood Pressure Monitors

 Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor

यह उपकरण उन लोगों के लिए बहुत प्रासंगिक है जो उच्च बीपी (उच्च रक्तचाप) या निम्न बीपी (हाइपोटेंशन) से पीड़ित हैं, क्योंकि उन्हें सलाह दी जाती है कि वे अपने रक्तचाप की दैनिक जांच करें और अपने डॉक्टरों को इसकी सूचना दें। चूंकि स्वास्थ्य पेशेवरों के साथ सीधे परामर्श अब घरेलू प्रतिबंधों पर रहने के कारण नहीं किया जा सकता है, इसलिए घर पर ब्लड प्रेशर मॉनिटर काम में आता है। यह उपकरण किसी व्यक्ति के रक्तचाप को मानकीकृत करने में डॉक्टर के पर्चे की दवा के प्रत्यक्ष प्रभाव को समझने में भी मदद करता है। किसी व्यक्ति का सामान्य रक्तचाप लगभग 110/70 से 120/80 होता है।

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NEET 2021

NEET 2021: Will the NEET UG exam be postponed again? Follow this strategy for a good score

NEET 2021: NEET is the first step to make a career in the medical field. Therefore, more and more every year students show their interest in this exam. Even a disaster like the Corona epidemic did not reduce the tendency of people towards Neet. But due to the wild increase in corona infection cases, there is a large possibility that the government may postpone the NEET 2021 exam. However, this is yet to be officially confirmed.

NEET 2021 is proposed to be held on 1 August 2021. But the application forms for this exam have not been released yet. Therefore, there is a high probability that the NEET examination in August is postponed to September. The conditions that Corona has created at present have greatly hampered the preparation for the NEET exam, students are not able to go to coaching during this time. But if students use their time properly and use effective strategy then they can perform better in NEET.

Follow these strategies for a good score in NEET 2021

1- Understand the exam pattern: It is very important to understand the exam pattern to score well in the exam. This helps you get maximum marks. Tick ​​the questions that are being asked continuously in the previous exams. Mark the topics of previous exam-related questions as well. Prepare through NEET Solved Paper and Question Bank.

2- Choosing the right books for a high score is essential: When you give a lot of time to prepare for your NEET exam, then it is also important that the study material is authentic and useful. Therefore, with the help of a senior student or teacher, select the study material. Study in-depth the chapters and topics along with the solved papers.

3- Create a timetable: By creating a timetable, you will be able to set a certain time for the preparation of every subject. Also, you will be able to give more time to the weak section. Apart from this, time can also be taken for exercise and recreation from the timetable.

4-Solve previous year’s papers: A better strategy is to solve previous year’s exam papers to score well in any competitive exam. By doing this, you become familiar with the types of questions/topics/trends. Solving old question papers boosts your confidence and reduces stress during the exam.

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Adar Poonawala, who arrived in Britain with his wife and children, said- left the

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मंगल ग्रह की खोज और लुप्तप्राय प्रजातियों की बचत

आज से 18+ के लिए वैक्सीन पंजीकरण: पंजीकरण के बिना कोई नंबर नहीं आएगा,…

California will supply oxygen to India to control the second wave of coronavirus

Uttarakhand Covid-19 update: 5000 new cases of corona in Uttarakhand, 81 patients died

Triple mutant virus: know what is the triple mutant variant of corona found in

Chamoli Glacier Burst: Iceberg Breaks In Malari Valley, The Team Leaves For The Spot;

Oxygen Express, carrying Pranavayu for Uttar Pradesh, will reach Lucknow on 24 April