Category: Science


History of Sinauli? Where Relics Of The Indus Valley Civilization Found

Sinauli is an archaeological site in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India, where 125 graves belonging to the Indus valley civilization were found, it is located in the Barait tahsil of Bhagpat district of the state. These tombs are dated from 2200-1800 BC. The site is famous for its bronze age solid disc wheel “chariots”, the first to be recovered from any archaeological excavation in South Aisa.

The excavations at Sinauli were conducted by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) between 2005-2006 and 2018. According to the ASI and later studies, the remnants found in the 2005-06 season, the Sinauli graveyard belonged to the late Harappan phase. Like the extensive Harappan cemetery at Farmana the Sinauli cemetery is expected to provide extensive additional data on late Harappan culture.

Ceramics and swords found in the coffin.

It is being told that one side of the coffin is supported by large pottery (ceramics) and the other part is adjacent to the brick wall inside the ground. Several potteries are also coming out from near the coffin and a small size copper sword has also been found. ASI officials are refusing to give any information in this regard, while local historian Dr. Amit Rai Jain is likely to belong to the royal family of Antiquities.

Coffins have met Sinauli earlier also, This is not the first time that a royal coffin has been recovered from the village of Sinauli. Even before this, royal coffins, gold jewelry, swords, etc. have been found from here. On this, Amit Rai Jain, director of Shahzad Rai Research Institute, says that this is the first time in the Indian subcontinent When royal coffins and war chariots with an embalming center have been received from Sinauli. Earlier, a simple wooden coffin was found at the burial center from Harappa, but the royal coffin from Sinauli is unique in itself. It seems to be the Mahabharata period.

Witness the golden history of Sinauli village

The chariot has been found from here in the excavation in 2004. In 2005, the skeletons of women along with jewelry were found from here. The ASI underwent excavation in 2005 in Sinauli under the direction of Dr. DV Sharma, the senior archaeologist. During this period, 177 human skeletons, gold bracelets, beaded, swords, etc. were recovered here. On February 15, 2018, excavation took place at the Sinauli site under the direction of Dr. Sanjay Manjul, director of ASI Lalkila Institute, for about three and a half months.

During this period, 8 human skeletons, three swords, and pottery of various rare stones were found here. Apart from this, three thousand coffins of ancient human warriors, equipped with copper, three chariots of warriors were also received for five thousand years.

Female skeleton found on the upper surface of the royal coffin.

The skeleton of this woman was found on the upper surface of the royal coffin on Wednesday during an excavation conducted by the Archaeological Survey of India in Sinauli. A week later on Wednesday, excavation work started again in Sinauli. During this time, everyone was surprised to see the skeleton of the woman on the royal coffin. By looking at the skeleton of the woman, it is estimated that it is associated with the Mahabharata period. Meanwhile, a large part of the coffin has been taken out, but most of it is still underground. The team of archaeologists and researchers is trying to get it out.

In fact, small pieces of clay found near the coffin and a gold sword in addition to a copper sword suggest that the woman whose skeleton was found could be a princess. At present, excavation work is still going on, it is believed that many deep secrets may be buried here. Director Dr. Sanjay Manjul said that excavation work is going on now, information will be given when the time comes.


Discovery Plus has come down this time due to its mystery. ‘Secrets of Sinauli’ is coming Neeraj Pandey is bringing the documentary series.

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arsenic contamination

Arsenic Contamination: The No.1 Silent Killer Of India.

Arsenic contamination is one of the biggest issue Indian people are facing in drinking water. Central Groundwater Board published a report which states that 21 states in our country are facing this issue and have arsenic levels higher than normal.
The first case of contamination of Arsenic in groundwater was observed in 1983 in West Bengal. After that several other states like Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh of Ganga River basin, and Assam and Manipur of Brahmaputra basin have also registered the case of arsenic pollution in their groundwater.

Arsenic Contamination: A major issue on the groundwater of the Indian peninsula

The situation is getting worse with every passing day according to a survey by the Ministry of Jal Shakti, which implies that about 9.6 m people in West Bengal, 1.6 m in Assam, 1.2 m in Bihar, 0.5 m in Uttar Pradesh, and 0.012m in Jharkhand are at the risk of danger. World Health Organization has given the guideline that the permissible limit of arsenic in drinking water is 10 parts per billion while the Indian government recorded it to be 50ppb which is five times higher, hand pumps of Buxar (a district in Bihar) found to have the highest arsenic contamination of 1500 parts per billion.

However, the main highlight of this whole propaganda is to let you all know that the contamination of groundwater has entered the food chain. The reason behind the penetration of arsenic in our food is that farmers use the contaminated water for irrigation purposes and coincidentally Ganga and Brahmaputra plains are the ideal surface for agriculture of various fields and horticultural crops such as rice, wheat, maize, etc. But what actually grown is crops containing hazardous arsenic.

Talking about the health issue caused by this whole scenario is that, Arsenic has been found to be leading to various forms of cancer in India. Specifically skin cancer and cancer of lungs, kidney, and bladder. Several common symptoms like keratosis and pigmentation, which cause hardening of the skin of the palm and soles of feet. It also leads to few other diseases like vascular diseases and respiratory diseases.

Our government is only showing interest in drinking water for the checkup of arsenic contamination. Each hand pumps and tubewell have been tested and marked as safe or unsafe considering the level of arsenic present in water. But this is not enough as the water used for agricultural means has been observed as a major loophole in the surrounding. To solve this issue up to maximum extent government must conduct a closure study towards the water used for agriculture as well, which will prevent it from entering our food chain.

responsible together
Responsible together

Apart from that, it is our responsibility as well to keep an eye on these and be wise enough to save ourselves and our surroundings from any unusual health impact. Ignoring this can be a reason to destroy the environment with this poison.

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Why World Book Day is celebrated on Shakespeare’s death anniversary?

There is a popular saying, “There is nobody in this world who hasn’t heard the name William Shakespeare”. This is false because I asked my parents whether they know him and they don’t. And I never promote fake news. But what I do promote is good article writing and a healthy lifestyle.

In this article, we are going to talk about the man himself-William Shakespeare. No matter how much you talk about him it won’t be enough. So many people have been inspired by his poems and plays. The countless number of arts made on the backbone of Shakespeare’s plays. The young and old or man and female, Shakespeare’s works are not bound by the chains of any discrimination.

Shakespeare wrote 35 plays and over 200 poems

Before bidding the world his final goodbye on 23 April 1564. This great poet, writer, and playwright penned more than thirty-five plays and over two hundred poems in his lifetime. Many have been translated into different languages of the world and have reached uncountable households and bookshelves. To commemorate his excellent life, UNESCO declared his death anniversary as World Book Day from 1995 onwards. The Indian Government followed suit in 2001.

William Shakespeare

 Started by UNESCO on 23 April 1995


When UNESCO decided to celebrate to start World Book Day. Their intention behind this was to create a culture of learning and create a love for reading among the children and the adults alike. The journey of reading has been evolving according to the times. Before, the books were heavy and bulky to carry and now one can carry a plethora of books in a tiny kindle.

 Literature distributed on the eve of Book Day

During the lockdown in India, government officials and NGOs distributed books to children to create an atmosphere of learning and growing in the times of trouble. India has been under lockdown for the last two months due to the Coronavirus scare and people need a way to keep themselves engaged and to get rid of boredom.

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What is Body Mass Index (BMI)?

The term Body Mass Index (BMI). It was first coined by the famous Belgian astronomer, mathematician, statistician, and sociologist Lambert Adolphe Jacques Quetelet in the year of 1830. Body Mass Index (BMI) occasionally known as Quetelet Index. It is a popular method used for measuring the quantifiable level of tissue mass in a person. Body Mass Index (BMI) is generally used to classify a person as underweight, normal weighted, overweight, or obese based on their level of tissue mass (fat, bone, and muscle) and height.

Therefore, BMI is calculated by the ratio of the weight of a person to their height (squared). Its unit is Kg/m2 or lbs/inc2. A chart has been provided by the World Health Organization.

(WHO) that categorizes a person based on their Body Mass Indexed score. The chart is as follows:

Category                                         BMI Score

Underweight                                   less than 18.5

Normal Weight                               18.5 – 24.9

Overweight                                      25 – 29.9

Obesity (Class 1)                             30 – 34.9

Obesity (Class 2)                             35 – 39.9

Extreme Obesity (Class 3)            40+

The relevance of the Body Mass Index is high with respect to the everyday fast pace of life. One can simply calculate their BMI score in order to understand their issues with health. Considering how stress and overeating can be associated with Overweighing and lack of focus can be associated with a symptom of underweight. People who score less than 18.5 or higher than 25 are also more susceptible to more diseases. And thus have a less mortality rate in comparison to those who score between 18.5 to 24 on the body mass index ratio.

Although the Body Mass Index is a pretty reliable way to determine the health status of a being. It has a few limitations as well. BMI works better only for the age group of people between 18-60. As teens and older people’s scores aren’t often reliable. The other being how BMI takes the whole weight (bone density, muscle, and fat) of a person rather than focusing solely on fat. Therefore it isn’t a reliable option for professional bodybuilders and athletes. In brief, the Body Mass Index is a way to make one aware of their current health which should be the number one priority of everyone.



Science Behind Super Pink Moon 2020

The moon is a single natural satellite of earth. The moon revolves around the earth just as the earth revolves around the sun, it goes around the earth at an average distance of about 385,000 km.

In super moon the moon appears to have something big in its shape or size.

What is a Supermoon?

The distance of the moon and earth become much lesser in the super moon.

At this time the moon is closest to the earth due to which the moon appears to us 30% more brighter and 14% larger in size.

Pink Moon

The moon orbits in elliptical form that’s why the moon is visible from the earth sometimes near and far. The farthest point in this ellipse is called the apogee and is about 405500 km from the earth on average. it’s closest point is the perigee which is an average distance about 36300 km from earth. Therefore the average distance between the moon and the earth is reported to be about 385000 km. When the full moon is on the perigee then the moon appears to be the most shining. There is no scientific definition of Supermoon. The term supermoon given by astrologer Richard Nolle in 1979.

“A full moon or new moon has to come within 90% of its closest approach to earth to be dubbed a supermoon”

-Richard Nolle

How many supermoons in a year?

According to the definition of Nolle, there can be a 3-4 full supermoon in a year. For 2020, the 4 full moons from February to May meet this year.

Full moon, supermoons of this year

  1. 9th march 2020, 357404 km.
  2. 7-8th April 2020, 357035 km (closest supermoon of the year).
  3. 7th May 2020, 361184 km.

Is the moon pink?

The moon is never pink. Moon can appear sometimes yellow, orange or red when it is horizon.

Why we called pink moon this supermoon

The reason behind this is that the colonials people of Europe tried to settle north Amerca on Western Ideology and in this culture each month’s moon is given a nickname. Pink moon named April month moon is given in the name of pink wildflower Phlox Subulata which blooms in April. It is a native flower of North America.

Also read: Soap v/s Hand Sanitizer: Which works better against the Novel Coronavirus?

Wash hand using soap or sanitizer

Soap v/s Hand Sanitizer: Which works better against the Novel Coronavirus?

As we all know COVID-19 became a global pandemic and it’s a very difficult situation for all of us. Coronavirus has put the whole world in trouble.

Cleaning one’s hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or washing them with shop and water is essential as specified by WHO

We can’t see the Novel Coronavirus with normal eyes.
The main structure of this virus is its genetic material RNA and it is covered by protein layer and lipid bilayer.

pic credit:


  • Washing hands without soap helps reduce the amount of microbes but does not remove most of the virus and bacteria completely.
  • Therefore using soap becomes far more effective in removing microbes.
  • Soap molecules are pin-shaped with a head that is water-loving and a tail is oil-loving.
pic: molecule of soap
  • Tail part of soap attracted lipid bilayer if virus and soap and water destroyed the virus.
soap molecule destroying virus
  • We have to leave soap in hands for 20 seconds to break the virus.


  • Sanitizer should contain 60% alcohol to be effective but the sanitizer can’t beat soap.
  • Alcohol does not come in contact with all parts of the hand.
  • Regular use of sanitizer is harmful to the skin.
  • Alcohol destroys the protein layer of the virus.
  • In comparison of sanitizer, soap is more effective unlike water alcohol run does not remove the dead viruses from the hands.

Bottom Line

Both are effective but soap is better than sanitizer. So whenever you are home from travel you should use sanitizer. On a regular basis, you should use soap rather than sanitizer.

World health organization:

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