Category: Economics


ब्रिटेन के गृह मंत्रालय ने भगोड़े कारोबारी नीरव मोदी के प्रत्यर्पण को मंजूरी दी

यूके के गृह सचिव प्रीति पटेल ने नीरव मोदी के प्रत्यर्पण के आदेश पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं, जो अनुमानित USD 2 बिलियन पंजाब नेशनल बैंक (PNB) घोटाला मामले में धोखाधड़ी और मनी लॉन्ड्रिंग के आरोपों में वांछित है, ब्रिटेन में वरिष्ठ भारतीय राजनयिक सूत्रों ने कहा शुक्रवार को। दक्षिण-पश्चिम लंदन के वैंड्सवर्थ जेल में सलाखों के पीछे रहने वाले 50 वर्षीय मोदी के पास लंदन में उच्च न्यायालय में गृह सचिव के आदेश के खिलाफ अपील करने के लिए आवेदन करने के लिए 14 दिन का समय है।

25 फरवरी को वापस, वेस्टमिंस्टर मजिस्ट्रेट की अदालत ने निष्कर्ष निकाला था कि हीरे के व्यापारी के पास भारतीय अदालतों के सामने जवाब देने के लिए एक मामला है, जो कैबिनेट मंत्री के आदेश पर हस्ताक्षर बंद कर रहा है। उसने कथित रूप से पंजाब नेशनल बैंक में अपने चाचा मेहुल चोकसी की मिलीभगत से धोखाधड़ी को अंजाम दिया था। दो साल की लंबी कानूनी लड़ाई के बाद, जिला न्यायाधीश सैमुअल गूजी ने फैसला सुनाया था कि मोदी के पास केवल भारतीय अदालतों में जवाब देने के लिए एक मामला है, लेकिन इस बात का कोई सबूत नहीं है कि उन्हें भारत में निष्पक्ष सुनवाई नहीं मिलेगी। उन्होंने मानवाधिकार की चिंताओं को भी खारिज कर दिया कि भारत की कई सरकारी आश्वासनों के अनुसार मोदी की चिकित्सा आवश्यकताओं को संबोधित नहीं किया जाएगा। न्यायाधीश ने कहा, “मैं इस बात से संतुष्ट हूं कि एनडीएम [नीरव दीपक मोदी] को पीएनबी को ठगने की साजिश रचने के सबूत मिले हैं।” केंद्रीय जांच ब्यूरो (CBI) और प्रवर्तन निदेशालय (ED) द्वारा लाए गए आरोपों के सभी मामलों पर एक प्रथम दृष्टया मामला स्थापित किया गया है। मनी लॉन्ड्रिंग, गवाहों को डराना और सबूतों को गायब करना, उन्होंने कहा था। यूके प्रत्यर्पण अधिनियम 2003 के तहत, न्यायाधीश ने अपने निष्कर्षों को गृह मामलों के राज्य सचिव को भेजा। यह ब्रिटेन का कैबिनेट मंत्री है जो भारत-ब्रिटेन प्रत्यर्पण संधि के तहत प्रत्यर्पण का आदेश देने के लिए अधिकृत है और जिसके पास यह निर्णय लेने के लिए दो महीने का समय है।

 सीबीआई ने 31 जनवरी, 2018 को मोदी, चोकसी और पंजाब नेशनल बैंक के तत्कालीन अधिकारियों सहित अन्य के खिलाफ बैंक की एक शिकायत पर आरोप लगाया था कि आरोपियों ने सार्वजनिक बैंक को धोखा देने के लिए आपस में एक आपराधिक साजिश रची थी। धोखाधड़ी से पत्र जारी करने वाले। लेटर ऑफ अंडरटेकिंग एक गारंटी है जो एक बैंक विदेशों में बैंकों को देता है जहां उसका ग्राहक क्रेडिट के लिए संपर्क करता है। अधिकारियों ने कहा कि उनके चाचा मेहुल चोकसी की कंपनियों द्वारा कथित धोखाधड़ी करने पर 13,000 करोड़ रुपये का घोटाला हुआ। जांच से पता चला है कि पंजाब नेशनल बैंक के आरोपी अधिकारियों ने फर्मों के मालिकों और अन्य लोगों के साथ मिलकर साजिश रची थी कि किसी भी स्वीकृत सीमा या नकदी के बिना उक्त तीन फर्मों के पक्ष में क्रेता क्रेडिट प्राप्त करने के लिए विदेशी बैंकों को बड़ी संख्या में जारी किए थे। मार्जिन और बैंक की कोर प्रणाली में प्रविष्टियाँ किए बिना। मोदी समेत 25 आरोपियों के खिलाफ 14 मई, 2018 को पहली चार्जशीट दायर की गई थी। दूसरी चार्जशीट 20 दिसंबर, 2019 को दायर की गई थी, जिसमें 30 आरोपित लोगों को शामिल किया गया था, जिसमें पहले से ही 150 बकाया धोखाधड़ी के संबंध में 25 आरोपपत्र शामिल थे, जिसके परिणामस्वरूप PNB को लगभग 6,805 करोड़ रुपये का गलत नुकसान हुआ था।

यह भी आरोप लगाया गया था कि मोदी ने अन्य आरोपियों के साथ मिलकर दुबई और हांगकांग में उनके द्वारा स्थापित डमी कंपनियों के माध्यम से खरीदार के रूप में प्राप्त धन को छीन लिया था, जिसे तीन नीरव मोदी फर्मों को मोती के निर्यातक के रूप में दिखाया गया था और पर्ल जड़ित आभूषणों के आयातक थे। उसकी फर्में। सीबीआई में मामला दर्ज करने से पहले मोदी 1 जनवरी, 2018 को भारत से भाग गए थे। जून 2018 में इंटरपोल द्वारा रेड कॉर्नर नोटिस के बाद उनके खिलाफ ट्रायल कोर्ट द्वारा एक गैर जमानती गिरफ्तारी वारंट जारी किया गया था। उन्हें मार्च 2019 में लंदन में यूके पुलिस द्वारा गिरफ्तार किया गया था और उनकी बार-बार जमानत के लिए आवेदन, वेस्टमिंस्टर मजिस्ट्रेट कोर्ट और हाई कोर्ट, लंदन द्वारा खारिज कर दिए गए थे। दूसरी चार्जशीट दायर होने के बाद, लंदन में कोर्ट को कुल धोखाधड़ी राशि के लिए अतिरिक्त साक्ष्य प्रस्तुत किए गए थे। 6,805 करोड़ (लगभग)। इसके अलावा, गवाहों को डराने और सबूतों को नष्ट करने के अपराधों के लिए दूसरा प्रत्यर्पण अनुरोध भी यूके सरकार को प्रस्तुत किया गया था।

 प्रत्यर्पण अनुरोधों में, सीबीआई ने आपराधिक साजिश, धोखाधड़ी, विश्वास के आपराधिक उल्लंघन, लोक सेवकों द्वारा आपराधिक कदाचार, सबूतों को नष्ट करने और सबूतों के आपराधिक धमकी के आरोपों को प्रमाणित करने के लिए स्वैच्छिक मौखिक और दस्तावेजी साक्ष्य प्रस्तुत किए। भारत प्रत्यर्पण अधिनियम 2003 के आधार पर एक निर्दिष्ट भाग 2 देश है, जिसका अर्थ है कि यह मंत्री है जिसके पास कई मुद्दों पर विचार करने के बाद एक अनुरोधित व्यक्ति के प्रत्यर्पण का आदेश देने का अधिकार है। अधिनियम के प्रावधानों के तहत, राज्य के सचिव को मौत की सजा के संभावित आरोप पर विचार करना था, जिस स्थिति में प्रत्यर्पण का आदेश नहीं दिया जा सकता है; विशेषता का नियम, जो किसी व्यक्ति के प्रत्यर्पण अनुरोध में उल्लिखित मामलों के अलावा अन्य मामलों के लिए अनुरोध करने की स्थिति में निपटा रहा है; और वह व्यक्ति किसी अन्य राज्य से प्रत्यर्पण के बाद ब्रिटेन में था या नहीं, उस स्थिति में जब किसी तीसरे राज्य को प्रत्यर्पण करने से पहले राज्यों की अनुमति लेनी होगी।

यदि ये कारक प्रत्यर्पण को नहीं रोकते हैं, तो मंत्री के पास दो महीने का समय था, जिसमें न्यायाधीश गोज़ी के 25 फरवरी के आदेश पर हस्ताक्षर करना था। गृह सचिव का आदेश शायद ही कभी अदालत के निष्कर्षों के खिलाफ जाता है, क्योंकि उसे केवल अति संकीर्ण सलाखों के प्रत्यर्पण पर विचार करना है जो नीरव के मामले में लागू नहीं हुआ था। हालांकि, पूर्व किंगफिशर एयरलाइंस के प्रमुख विजय माल्या के प्रत्यर्पण मामले में गवाह के रूप में, जो ब्रिटेन में जमानत पर बने हुए हैं, जबकि एक गोपनीय मामला, जिसे एक शरण अनुरोध से संबंधित माना जाता है, का समाधान है कि नीरव को औपचारिक रूप से स्थानांतरित किए जाने से पहले अभी भी कुछ रास्ता है। लंदन में वैंड्सवर्थ जेल से लेकर मुंबई की बैरक 12 आर्थर रोड जेल तक और भारत में मुकदमे का सामना।

 न्यायाधीश ने नीरव मोदी को उच्च न्यायालय में अपील लेने के अपने अधिकार के बारे में सूचित किया था और गृह सचिव के फैसले के बाद उसे आवेदन करने के लिए 14 दिन तक का समय दिया था। यदि कोई अपील दी जाती है, तो लंदन में उच्च न्यायालय के प्रशासनिक प्रभाग में सुनवाई की जाएगी। ब्रिटेन के सुप्रीम कोर्ट में अपील करना भी संभव है लेकिन यह तभी संभव है जब उच्च न्यायालय यह प्रमाणित करे कि इस अपील में सामान्य सार्वजनिक महत्व के कानून का एक बिंदु शामिल है, और या तो उच्च न्यायालय या सर्वोच्च न्यायालय अपील के लिए छुट्टी देता है।

 नीरव की कानूनी टीम ने तुरंत पुष्टि नहीं की कि क्या वह आदेश के खिलाफ अपील करना चाहता है और वह कानूनी प्रक्रिया में अगले चरण तक न्यायिक रिमांड पर वैंड्सवर्थ जेल में सलाखों के पीछे रहेगा।

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The Ever Given, a 220,000-ton mega ship

The Suez Canal Crisis

The giant cargo ship named Ever Given which was stuck in the Suez Canal in Egypt has finally been rescued. As per the report, the ship was freed on March 29, 2021, a week after it ran aground blocking other ships from transiting.

The head of the Suez Canal Authority (SCA), Osama Rabie announced the resumption of traffic in Canal. Former SCA chairman, Mohab Mamish also expressed his joy over this topic by saying “I am well and truly overjoyed, we were able to get out of a very tight jam”.

On social media too it became a trending topic. People (specifically Egyptians) greeted the news by sharing various memes. A Suez Canal employee named Ahmed Abbas, shared live footage from the spot on his Facebook account, writing “Praise be to God, the vessel is finally out! Well done to the SCA boys!”. 

How did it happen?

The large cargo ship weighing 2.2 lakh tons, 400m long, 59m wide which was carrying 18,300 containers got stuck diagonally while entering the Suez Canal from the Red sea. It disrupted  12% of the world’s seaborne trade causing a heavy traffic jam with more than 400 ships waiting to enter the canal.

Reason for this cause

However the complete data of investigation has not come out yet, but it is said that strong wind or human and technical error could be a reason.

Impact of this saga on global trade

The 193 km(120 miles) long canal that links the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea. It separates the African continents from Asia and provides the shortest maritime route between Europe and the lands around the Indian and western Pacific oceans, which allows the container ships to avoid long trips around the southern part of Africa. 

According to the renowned shipping journal Lloyds’s list, goods worth $9.6 billion pass through the canal every day. Lloyd says that on average 50 ships get across the canal each day, carrying 1.2 billion tons of cargo.

Several Eastern and western nations have suffered an annihilative economic blow due to the canal blockage. Hundreds of ships carrying goods worth billions were either stuck or forced to take another route, causing significant delays and more shipping costs. Even India has faced a loss of several hundred crores due to this.

Countless retailers around the globe have suffered losses due to the blockage as their shipment was delayed. Ships carrying a large amount of fuel and cargo, have been blocked raising a serious downfall on the global supply chain.

Since the canal route got disrupted for a week by the Japanese-owned ship, the overall trade loss has been estimated roughly around $54 billion

More things to look upon

However, the crisis is not completely resolved yet. The blockage is going to cause a ripple effect on global trade due to the imbalance in shipment time. It was already an imbalanced situation due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and now the blockage has aggravated the situation.

G Raghu Shankar of the Chennai-based International Clearing and Shipping Agency stated that “We can expect a hike in freight rates soon”.

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What are the Kill the Bill protests? Why is the Movement happening in Britain?

Hundreds of anti-lockdown protesters threw eggs and glass bottles at British police officers in the southwestern city of Bristol, England. Police arrested 10 people during this period. After a standoff between the police and protesters on Friday evening, officers made several warnings through loudspeakers, following which attempts were made to disperse the crowd.

Bristol protest

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Home Minister Preeti Patel condemned the incidents of police officers being targeted. “Last night there were shameful attacks on police officers in Bristol,” Johnson said on Twitter. “Our officers should not be attacked by mobs with bricks, bottles, and firecrackers with the intention of violence.” The police and the city have my full support. “Patel expressed his support to the local police on Twitter and said he was disappointed with such incidents. Local Avon and Somerset police said police operations near the Bridwell Police Station in the city used specialist resources, including a swan squad and a police helicopter.

In reference to Friday’s protest, (Police) Superintendent Mark Runakere said, “Most people acted in a peaceful manner, but some people took violent measures and threw glass bottles and bricks at the officers.” This violent conduct is not acceptable. Authorities repeatedly asked people to leave, but once the atmosphere changed, people became violent and action was necessary. “Runekere said the violence, assaulting an emergency staff and the banned A-category. Ten people have been arrested for various offenses including recovery of narcotics.

Bristol Protesters

Three of those arrested were detained in connection with the nuisance in the city last Sunday. More than a thousand people gathered for the protest at Bristol’s College Green on Friday evening. The so-called ‘Kill the Bill’ protesters are protesting against the government’s policy, crime, conviction, and court bill, which will give the police more powers to deal with the protest.

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महाराष्ट्र में 28 मार्च से नाइट कर्फ्यू का ऐलान, रात 8 बजे से सुबह 7 बजे तक बंद रहेंगे मॉल

कोरोना के बढ़ते मामलों के बीच महाराष्ट्र सरकार ने बड़ा फैसला लिया है। महाराष्ट्र में 28 मार्च से नाइट कर्फ्यू का ऐलान कर दिया गया है। नाइट कर्फ्यू के ऐलान के साथ ही मुख्यमंत्री उद्धव ठाकरे ने कहा कि कोरोना वायरस का खतरा अभी कम नहीं हुआ है बल्कि और बढ़ गया है। वर्तमान परिस्थिति को ध्यान में रखते हुए सख्त कदम उठाया गया है। ठाकरे ने यह भी कहा कि जिलाधिकारी स्थिति के अनुसार जिला में लॉकडाउन भी लगा सकते हैं। कर्फ्यू के दौरान महाराष्ट्र में मॉल आदि रात 8:00 बजे से लेकर सुबह 7:00 बजे तक बंद रहेंगे।

इसके साथ ही उद्धव ठाकरे ने लोगों से कोरोनावायरस गाइडलाइन का सख्ती से पालन करने का भी अनुरोध किया। आपको बता दें कि महाराष्ट्र में लगातार कोरोना संक्रमण के मामले बढ़ रहे हैं। केन्द्रीय स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय ने बताया कि पांच राज्यों – महाराष्ट्र, पंजाब, कर्नाटक, छत्तीसगढ़ और गुजरात में कोविड-19 के प्रतिदिन मामलों में तेजी से वृद्धि दर्ज की गई है। मंत्रालय के अनुसार देश में एक दिन में कोविड-19 के 59,118 नए मामले सामने आये है। फरवरी के मध्य में कोविड-19 के मामले काफी कम हो गये थे लेकिन इसके बाद उपराचाराधीन मरीजों की संख्या तेजी से बढ़ी है।

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Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi is the Kohinoor of Hindi Journalism

Ganesh Yugin Journalism is considered to be the golden period of Hindi journalism. Journalists have aroused the service of the country and society by following the path shown or shown by the father of Hindi journalism, Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi. In the first issue of Pratap, he introduced the concept of national journalism in an article titled ‘Pratap’s Policy’, which is still remembered as the manifesto of ideal journalism. He wrote – The welfare of all mankind is our ultimate aim.

We take upon ourselves the sacred work of service to our country and society. We will try our best to explain our duties and rights to our brothers and sisters. We will consider it our ultimate duty not to let hatred and opposition, unrest and dissatisfaction between the king and the subjects, one caste and another caste, one institution, and another institution.

Born on October 26, 1890, in his maternal grandfather Allahabad, home to teacher Jai Narayan Srivastava, a student of Hindi journalism, he is one of the selectively dynamic national personalities of the twentieth century-1890-1931. Bhagiratha Vidyarthi Ji of Hindi National Journalism received ideological fire in the thoughts of Lokmanya Tilak and received the rites of words and language under the guidance of Acharya Mahavir Prasad Dwivedi.

Journey of Journalism

The father of Hindi journalism, Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi Ji started his journey of journalism from Allahabad. He started writing in Urdu from the ‘Swaraj’ newspaper, meanwhile, he was attracted to Hindi under the guidance of Pandit Sundarlal. He started his career as a writer with a journalist from November 2, 1911, in the journal ‘Saraswati’ edited by Acharya Mahavir Prasad Dwivedi.

He got an opportunity to develop his literary and cultural rites in the context of Dwivedi Ji and ‘Saraswati’, and through Madan Mohan Malaviya’s newspaper ‘Abhyudaya’, he shaped his political views. Finally, on 9 November 1913 in Kanpur, the foundation of ‘Pratap’ was laid. In this Mahayagya, Shiv Narayan Mishra, Narayan Prasad Arora, and Yashoda Nandan also joined together with the student.

The student’s determination, service, and dedication towards Hindi journalism have been unmatched. From satyagraha, processions, and gatherings to leadership in electoral politics, he never allowed his journalism to become the facade of party politics. He fought ironically with the British government. Announced the public awareness through the pen. The student always kept burning the light of a candle in journalistic work. As a reward for carrying forward the mass movement, he repeatedly suffered imprisonment.

He made five prison trips in his life. Three of these were due to journalism and two to political speeches. Explaining his purpose in journalism, he wrote – praise or non-praise of someone, happiness or unhappiness of someone, any rebuke or intimidation will not distract us from our path. Truth and justice will be our inner guides. Pratap will always try to remain separate from communal and personal disputes.

Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi

Pratap was not born for the upbringing, protection, or opposition of any particular assembly, institution, person, or opinion, but his views would be independent and his religion would be true. We know that we will face great difficulties in this work. It requires great courage and self-confidence. We also know very well that we were born in an atmosphere of weakness, dependency, and meager power. Despite this, there is a desire in our hearts to move forward to serve the truth.

With whom he will stand through journalism, he has also mentioned – in this journey, journalists like Makhanlal Chaturvedi, Balkrishna Sharma ‘Naveen’, Krishnadatta Paliwal, Shriram Sharma, Devvrat Shastri, Suresh Chandra Bhattacharya, and Couple Kishore Singh Shastri. Like the weekly, the daily Pratap was also nationalist. Was a fierce opponent of the tyrannical rulers. This same policy was his biggest crime. He had to bear the brunt of it.

Apart from the government, the princely states also tried to clamp down on it. Seven-eight princely states ceased to have ‘Pratap’ in their kingdom. The publication of the daily ‘Pratap’ ceased on 6 July 1921, after giving its ransom in favor of the Non-Cooperation Movement run by Mahatma Gandhi, but the weekly ‘Pratap’ became the leading paper of North India due to its revolutionaries and clear political views.

Bail, warning, and government threats used to attack him. The student also kept an eye on the fact that ‘Pratap’ should not be misused for his unnecessary publicity. Most of his writings were also published under the assumed names of Hari, Diwakar, Gajendra, Lombodar, Vakratund, Srikanth, an Indian youth, etc. rather than the real name. He believed that the editor’s name should not be mentioned more than once in the entire issue of the letter or magazine.

Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi was influenced by Gandhiji in politics and on the other hand, was very close to the revolutionaries. What kind of journalism is this? Standing between Mahatma Gandhi’s non-violent leadership and Bhagat Singh’s revolutionary ideas, Vidyarthi also wrote an article titled ‘Youth’s Rebellion’. The example of Ramprasad Bismil’s autobiography is an example of how he interacted with revolutionaries. Bismil wrote an autobiography in jail three days before his execution, which was published by Vidyarthji from the ‘Pratap’ press.

Vidyarthi was opposed to all forms of communalism. Vidyarthi returned from his last jail visit on March 9, 1931, when the country was engulfed in communal fire. There was a ‘Hindu-Muslim riot’ in Kanpur. In such a situation, it was considered appropriate to stay in Kanpur. He saw that the British government was completely silent in this terrible situation. In view of this, he jumped into the ground to extinguish the fire of communalism. Meanwhile, on 23 March 1931, he was hanged in the Lahore Central Jail.

Hearing the news of hanging, there was a lot of outrage across the country. On March 25, 1931, Vidyarthi was killed by a violent mob during the Hindu-Muslim riots. Today, the newspaper paid tribute to him and wrote, “We are crying on our helplessness that we are unable to stop the country even after seeing this kind of suicide.” We cry on the wisdom of those who understand that without such bloodshed, we will not be able to protect ourselves.

We are tempted to see the dissolved face of Mother India. Gandhiji sent a telegram to the joint editor of ‘Pratap’, in which Bapu wrote, “Even if the heart is bursting, Ganesh will not give condolences for Shankar’s death. His family deserves congratulations, not condolences. Let its example be exemplary. ”Our salutations to Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi, the rich and inspiring person of all of us, of such a great personality.

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Pradhanmantri Berojgari Bhatta Online Registration

Pradhanmantri Berojgari Bhatta Online Registration | Prime Minister Unemployment Allowance Scheme 2021 | Online application, required documents, and eligibility

Is it true that the unemployment allowance scheme was started by Shri Narendra Modi Ji and whether it is getting benefits or not? Come, know the full truth of Berojgari Bhatta yojana with us. Actually, this scheme has been started in many states, but who has benefited from it? You will get full details of this in this blog, such as which states this scheme was started and how can you claim online for it?

What is unemployment?

There are many problems in our country due to unemployment. How unemployment developed on its own. If you will check, there are some reasons.

  • Uneducated people
  • Poor people
  • High birth population every year
  • Well educated people do not get field jobs
  • Shortage of Small and Cottage Industries
  • Caste System
  • A great loss in a scale of small scale industry
  • Low investment

Pradhan Mantri Unemployment Allowance Scheme has been started by the Central Government to benefit the educated unemployed youth of the country. Under this scheme, the youth of the country who are educated but do not have any employment will be provided an unemployed allowance ranging from 2000 to 2500 rupees by the Central Government. Under Pradhanmantri Berojgari Bhatta Yojana, 20 crore youth of the country will be benefited. Through this scheme, self-employed youth will be benefited immensely. Do not trust any such information at all because at this time many false and misleading confusing information is being spread through many online and offline sources.

Fake Pradhan Mantri Berojgari Bhatta Yojana

No such scheme has been launched by the Central Government yet and many falsely concocted misleading rumors are being spread about the Prime Minister’s Unemployment Allowance Scheme. Do not trust any such information or message if the Central Government in future If you start any such scheme, we will provide you complete information in this article.

Prime unemployment allowance scheme true or false

Rumors are being spread through various online and offline sources that the educated qualification of youth applying for the Prime Minister’s Unemployment Allowance Scheme should be at least 12th. To get the benefit of this scheme, the beneficiary will have to apply. The only unemployed youth of the country will be eligible under this scheme. The Modi government is preparing to implement the Universal Basic Income (UBI) scheme. Under this scheme, the annual income of the applicant’s family should be 3 lakh or less. In this PM Unemployment Allowance Scheme 2021, 50% allowance will be given by the Central Government. At the same time, the state government will have to give 50% allowance, but there is no truth of any kind in all this information because no such scheme was even released by the Modi government.

Objective of PM unemployment allowance scheme 2021

As you know, unemployment is increasing in the country. Today there are many young people who are educated but have no employment and no money to start their employment. Because of this, they have to deal with financial problems. In view of this problem, the central government is going to start this scheme. Under PM Berojgari Bhatta Scheme 2021, the Central Government will provide financial assistance in the form of unemployment allowance to the unemployed youth of the country. Through this scheme, this scheme will definitely increase employment opportunities within the state and at the same time, it will help in reducing the problem of increasing unemployment in the state.

(Fake) benefits of unemployment allowance scheme 2021

  • The benefit of this scheme will be provided to the unemployed youth of the country.
  • Under the Unemployment Allowance Scheme 2021, an amount of 2000 to 2500 rupees will be provided by the Central Government as an unemployed allowance to the unemployed youth of the country.
  • 20 crore youth of the country will be benefited from this scheme.
  • Eligibility for Prime Minister’s Unemployment Allowance Scheme 2021
  • Applicants must be resident of India
  • The age of application under the Prime Minister’s Unemployment Allowance Scheme 2021 should be between 21 and 35 years.
  • Under the scheme, the application is required to pass 12th and must have a graduation or post-graduation mark sheet.
  • The youth of the country will be eligible under this scheme who will be unemployed. Under this scheme, the annual family income should be 3 lakh or less.

Documents of Prime Minister’s Unemployment Allowance Scheme 2021

  • Applicant’s Aadhar Card
  • identity card
  • income certificate
  • Age certificate
  • Bank account passbook
  • Address proof
  • mobile number
  • Passport size photo

(Fake) How to apply in the Prime Minister’s Unemployment Allowance Scheme 2021?

Under PM Berojgari Bhatta Yojana 2021, the interested applicants of the country who are searching for the registration form online application or any kind of application form, let them know that no such scheme has been started by the Central Government yet. Nor has any type of application form been issued if you are being told through a message or WhatsApp or any other social media or online-offline source that the online application or registration form can be approved under the Prime Minister’s Unemployment Allowance Scheme. If you are, then it is absolutely false. Be cautious about any such information. If any such scheme will be started by taking any decision by the government in future, then we will provide you all the information related to the scheme here.

PM Berojgari Bhatta Yojana State Wise

You can get information about unemployment allowance scheme of various states with the help of this list-

Uttar Pradesh Unemployment Allowance 2021: Apply Online (UP Berojgari Bhatta)

UP unemployment allowance online. Unemployment Allowance Scheme Uttar Pradesh. UP Berojgari Bhatta Yojana Registration | Unemployment Allowance Uttar Pradesh Application Form

Uttar Pradesh Unemployment Allowance 2021 is an important scheme launched by the government for unemployed youth of the state. Uttar Pradesh unemployment allowance has been started for the educated unemployed people of Uttar Pradesh who are searching for employment according to their education but due to weak economic conditions, they are unable to apply online in any government and non-government jobs. Today, UP should register unemployment and get financial assistance from the government from 1000 to 1500 rupees. We are going to share all the information related to online application registration of this scheme.

Uttar Pradesh Unemployment Allowance 2021 Online Application

  • First of all, you have to go to the official website of UP 
  • We are providing you the direct link and user manual in the section below.
  • Click on the new registration portal. Provide all mandatory field details and then click on submit button.
  • After successful registration fill your basic details and your education details step by step.
  • Upload your photo and signature
  • Click on submit button
  • Thus, you can easily apply in Uttar Pradesh Unemployment Allowance 2021.

How to login UP unemployment allowance?

  • First of all, you have to go to the official website. After visiting the official website, the home page will open in front of you. On this home page, you will see the option of Login.
  • You have to click on this option. After clicking on the option, the login form will open in front of you on the next page.
  • In this form, you have to fill in your username and password, etc. After that, you have to click on submit button. In this way, you will be logged in.

Employer login process

  • First of all, you have to go to the official website of the Uttar Pradesh Service Planning Department.
  • Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • On the home page, you have to click on the option of Employer.
  • After this, a new page will open in front of you, in which you new user? You have to click on the sign-up option.
  • Now the registration form will open in front of you.
  • You have to enter all the information asked in this form such as your name, mobile number, email id, user-id, and password.
  • After that, you have to click on the option of submit.
  • In this way, you will be able to login to the employer.

How to find a government job?

  • First of all, you have to go to the official website. After visiting the official website, the home page will open in front of you.
  • On this home page, you will see the option of Government Job, you will have to click on this option.
  • After clicking on the option, the next page will open in front of you. On this page, you will have to select some information asked such as department, district, type of recruitment, recruitment group, type of post, etc.
  • After filling in all the information you have to click on the search button. After this, all the details of the job will be opened in front of you.

Private Job Search Procedure

  • First of all you have to go to the official website.
  • Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • On the home page, you have to click on the link for private jobs.
  • Now a new page will open in front of you, in which you will have to enter the information asked such as salary limit, sector, district, educational qualification etc.
  • After that you have to click on the search button.
  • The relevant information will be on your computer screen.

Form download process

  • First of all, you have to go to the official website of Uttar Pradesh Service Planning Department.
  • Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • On the home page, you have to click on the option of download form.
  • As soon as you click on this link, the form will open in front of you.
  • After that you have to click on the download option.
  • As soon as you click on the download option, the form will be downloaded to your device.

Contract viewing process

  • First of all, you have to go to the official website of Uttar Pradesh Service Planning Department.
  • Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • On the home page, you have to click on the contract option.
  • As soon as you click on this option, a new page will open in front of you.
  • On this page you can see the contract.

Helpline number

Office Address: – Guru Gobind Singh Marg, Bas Mandi Square, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India

Phone Number: – (0522) 2638-995 (10:00 AM to 6:00 PM)

Mobile Number: – (+91) 78394-54211

Official Email ID: –

Official Website: –

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ऑस्ट्रेलिया के पूर्व में भारी बारिश 50 साल में सबसे खराब बाढ़ आई

एनएसडब्ल्यू मिड नॉर्थ कोस्ट के बड़े हिस्से रात भर पानी के भीतर डूबे हुए हैं क्योंकि राज्य की बाढ़ की आपदा के बीच निवासियों को खतरनाक परिस्थितियों के एक और दिन के लिए ब्रेस किया जाता है। पोर्ट मैक्वेरी, तार्री, न्यूकैसल और सिडनी के पश्चिम सहित पूरे राज्य में आपातकालीन चेतावनी जारी है। केम्पसी में निवासियों को एसईएस द्वारा तुरंत खाली करने के लिए आधी रात से पहले जगाया गया था।

बहुत से लोग जिन्होंने अपने घरों को खाली कर दिया और एक मोटल में भाग गए, रात के मध्य में अपनी चीजों को पैक किया और केम्पसी शो ग्राउंड्स निकासी केंद्र के लिए रवाना हुए। “मैक्ली नदी ने किसी भी समय बैंकों को फटने की उम्मीद की है। यहां के कारोबारियों और निवासियों के लिए बहुत ही परेशान करने वाला समय है। सिडनी के उत्तर में स्थित न्यूकैसल हवाई अड्डा भी कम से कम बुधवार तक बंद हो गया है क्योंकि विलियमटाउन में पानी दलदल को निगल लेता है।

राज्य भर के 130 से अधिक स्कूल आज बंद रहेंगे। चिंताजनक रूप से, पानी से भरे क्षेत्र अगले 48 घंटों में 50 से 200 मिमी बारिश प्राप्त करने का अनुमान है। सैकड़ों लोग पहले ही अपने घरों से भागने के लिए मजबूर हो चुके हैं, इससे पहले कि वे किसी भी नुकसान का जायजा ले सकें, एक लंबे इंतजार का सामना करना पड़ेगा। पिछले 24 घंटों में पूरे समुदाय अस्थायी रूप से बेघर हो गए हैं, अकेले पोर्ट मैकक्वेरी में लॉरिएटन यूनाइटेड सर्विसेज क्लब में सैकड़ों लोगों ने शरण ली है। टैरी के बाहरी इलाके में, फायर एंड रेस्क्यू के कर्मचारियों ने गोताखोरों की चप्पलें चलाईं और प्रॉपर्टी से प्रॉपर्टी में जाने के लिए सर्फ लाइफ सेविंग रबर डकियों का इस्तेमाल किया, जो अलग-थलग या फंस गए लोगों तक पहुंचने की कोशिश कर रहे थे।

131 से अधिक बाढ़ के अवशेष थे, जिसमें एक घर से एक हेलीकॉप्टर चरखी द्वारा लूटे गए लोगों का एक समूह शामिल है जो अब एक द्वीप है। कल रात लगभग 10 बजे तक मौसम की घटना शुरू होने के बाद से, एनएसडब्ल्यू एसईएस को सहायता के लिए 8364 अनुरोध प्राप्त हुए, जिनमें से 751 बाढ़ के अवशेष हैं। पिछले 24 घंटों में, 197 बाढ़ बचाव के साथ सहायता के लिए 2743 अनुरोध किए गए हैं। टेरी के उत्तर में छोटे शहर केंडल में, कैफे के मालिक जेनले नोसवर्थी ने अपने व्यवसाय को बर्बाद होते देखा है, मिस नेल्ली के कैफे की खिड़कियों को तेजी से भागते पानी से अलग किया।

किसानों ने अपने स्टॉक को जीवित रखने के लिए हताश करने वाले उपायों का सहारा लिया है, यहां तक ​​कि एक कश्ती को अपने जानवरों के सिर को पानी से ऊपर रखने के लिए। स्वयंसेवकों ने फंसे पशुधन के साथ संपत्तियों को नाव से भाड़ा देना भी शुरू कर दिया है। “किसान काफी चिंतित थे, इसलिए हम मवेशियों के लिए कुछ खाना छोड़ रहे हैं,” एनएसडब्ल्यू एसईएस के स्वयंसेवक जैक फ्रॉस्ट ने कहा।

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Simlipal National Park Fire In Odisha, Wildfire Extinguished Due To Heavy Rain

Everyone was disturbed by the fire in Simlipal National Park fire in Odisha. The fire was continuously increasing. A team of experts from the center also reached Odisha. The fire could not be controlled. Forest personnel was engaged in extinguishing the fire 24 hours a day and night. After all, God rained and could extinguish the fire.

Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan met Prakash Javadekar on the incident of arson in New Delhi, 10 March (H.S.). Union Minister of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change Prakash Javadekar on Wednesday set up a team of experts to help control fires in Odisha’s Simlipal National Park. This three-member team of experts will soon leave for Odisha.

The team includes Dr. Amit Malik, Inspector General of Forests of National Tiger Conservation Authority, Subrata Mahapatra from Bhubaneswar office, and Aarti Chaudhary, Chief of Forest Promotion (Silviculture). According to the Ministry of Forests, Environment, and Climate, the team of experts will review the damage to forest wealth and fauna from the fire in the national park and provide technical advice on fire control measures. The committee will also review the exact status of the fire daily.

This team of the Center will return to the fire at Simlipal in Odisha only after controlling it. Let us know that in view of the incidents of arson in the forests of Odisha on Wednesday itself, Union Petroleum Minister Dharmendra Pradhan met Union Forest and Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar. The forest minister assured him to take appropriate steps on this subject. The fire has been underway for ten days, nearly 3 thousand types of vegetation are under threat due to fire in the Simlipal forest of Odisha for 10 days.

Simlipal Forest is a national park spread over 1060 square meters. It is also a tiger reserve. The park is particularly famous for red silk cotton trees. There are 94 types of orchids in the forest of Simlipal. There are also 264 types of birds and 42 types of mammals in the park.

Simlipal’s Forest And Its Types Of Trees

This forest is the home of the Bengal tiger, Asian elephant, Gaur, Chausingha, and many other animals also. Apart from this, this park is also known for its beautiful waterfalls like Joranda and Beripani Falls. In 2009, it was declared as the World Network of Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO.

Efforts are being made to extinguish the fire in the park for the last 10 days. According to the news of Indian Express, a total of 399 fire points have been identified in Bib Park. Located at the end of the Eastern Ghats, this park is particularly famous for red silk cotton trees. It is named after these trees, which grow in this area.

In the forest of Simlipal, 3000 types of trees and plants of which 94 types of orchids are found alone. Apart from this, there are 12 types of animals that can live on water and land, 29 types of reptiles, 264 types of birds, and 42 types of mammals in this national park.

Prayer To God For More And More Rain

Everyone gets so much pleasure from this rain that it is impossible to describe it in words. The viral video is a testimony to this enthusiasm. The forest officer is heard in the video thanking God. She is saying loudly to God ‘May God rain too much. We still need rain.

This Video Is Going Viral On Social Media

Currently, this video is going viral on social media. All these showed the hard work of the forest staff and their love for the forest. This video was first posted by Dr. Couple Kishore Mohanato.

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Bill Gates Buys 2.86 Million Acres Of Land, Becomes America’s Biggest Farmer

Microsoft’s co-founder and former CEO Bill Gates not only topped the world of software and technology, but he also owns the biggest farmland in the United States. Currently, the fourth richest person in the world, the fourth richest person in the world, has purchased large tracts of arable land in 19 US states.

Bill Gates & Melinda Gates

According to a report, Bill Gates owns a total of 2,42,000 acres of arable land, while he owns 2,68,984 acres of land by Melinda Gates. Most of his portfolio consists of agricultural land and includes 25,750 acres of transitional land and 1,234 acres of Recreational Land.

Bill Gates became the owner, not just invested

Typically, industrialists invest in a project, but Bill Gates has not invested in land in the US, instead of owning 2,68,984 acres of all types of land.

Research has revealed that Gates has the largest holding of 69,071 acres in Louisiana, 47,927 acres in Arkansas, and 20,588 acres in Nebraska, according to Forbes, with total assets of approximately $ 121 billion. Additionally, he also owns a stake in 25,750 acres of transitional land west of Phoenix, Arizona, which is being developed as a new suburb.

It may be surprising that a technology billionaire owns the Biggest farm in America. However, in 2008, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation announced a $ 306 million grant to promote high-yielding, sustainable agriculture among smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. With 242,000 acres of farmland, the Gates family is now well ahead of the rest of the top landowners in the country.

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Maitri Setu bridge upsc wiki tripura india pakistan

Maitri Setu Bridge India Bangladesh Inaugurated BY PM Modi

Today, the Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the ‘Maitri Setu’ bridge connecting India with Bangladesh through video conferencing.

“The opening of the Maitri Setu Tripura bridge between India and Bangladesh is a strong testimony of Bangladesh’s unfettering support to India and their commitment to strengthen connectivity in South Asia”, said the Bangladeshi Prime Minister in a video conference.
PM Sheikh Hasina further emphasized the importance of efficient connectivity across the two countries, especially for Northeast India.

She stated that the Maitri Setu Feni river bridge will be a great addition to enhance the subpar connectivity between Northeast India and Bangladesh.

Maitri Setu bridge between India and Bangladesh will be the new trade corridor: PM Modi

Maitri Setu bridge image
Maitri Setu bridge Sheikh Hasina and PM MOdi

Along with inaugurating the new bridge between India and Bangladesh, Prime Minister Narendra Modi also inaugurated other infrastructural projects through the video conference.
PM Modi while highlighting the importance of the new bridge between Tripura and Bangladesh said that the “Maitri Setu” will prove to be very important in strengthening the cultural as well as commercial ties between Northeast India and Bangladesh.
“This will be the new trade corridor between India and Bangladesh”, PM Modi said in the video conference.

Here Are Some Of The Highlights Of The Maitri Setu India Bangladesh Bridge

Q. What does the name “Maitri Setu” mean?

A. The name ‘Maitri Setu’ literally means the Friendship bridge and is meant to serve as a symbol of friendship between India and Bangladesh.

Q. What is the Maitri Setu bridge location?

A. Maitri Setu bridge location is in the Northeastern state of Tripura and will join Sabroom in South Tripura to Ramgarh in Bangladesh.

Q. Maitri Setu located on which river?

A. It is built upon the Feni River, which flows between Tripura and Bangladesh’s boundary.

Q. How long is the Maitri Setu India Bangladesh bridge?

A. The India-Bangladesh bridge is nearly 1.9 Kilometers long.

Q. What was the cost of the construction of Maitri Setu Tripura bridge?

A. The construction of the Bangladesh-India bridge took over 5 years at a projected cost of 133 Crore INR, according to as taken up by the National Highways and Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd

Q. What will be the advantage of the Maitri Setu Feni bridge location being in Northeast India?

A. The India Bangladesh Maitri Setu bridge will not only ease the movement of people and goods across the two countries but will also create new opportunities both in the North-East states and in Bangladesh as the New trade corridor.

Q. Where is the Maitri Setu bridge image?

Q. Where can i read more about Maitri Setu PIB post and Maitri Setu Bridge Wikipedia?

You can read more details about it in the Maitri Setu PIB’s website here as well as the Maitri Setu Wikipedia

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